CSUF Teacher Induction Program FAQ
For answers to frequently asked questions about the Teacher Induction program, please expand the links below. For your convenience, the answers are grouped by category. If your question isn’t addressed below, please see our Contact Us page and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
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CSUF Teacher Induction Program
Our Teacher Induction Program is designed to meet updated California Commission on Teacher Credentialing requirements for earning a Clear Multiple Subject, Single Subject, or Educational Specialist Credential. Learn more about state requirements at the CTC Website.
Key Features of the program include:
- Fully online 12-week courses (using Canvas LMS)
- Alignment to the newly revised (April 2024) California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTPs)
- Engaged instructors who are former classroom teachers and experienced online educators
- Engaged program coordinator who works with mentors and induction candidates to ensure collaboration and ongoing support
- Current and research-based support for new teachers to gain proficiency in the CSTPs through exploration of Artificial Intelligence, Technology Integration, Differentiated Instruction, Parent Communication, Assessment Strategies, Equitable and Inclusive Practices, and Informal Professional Development
- Cohort model so you get to know your Induction Program peers for an added layer of support
1-Year Early Completion Option | Verified 2+ years teaching 3 semesters 502A in Summer |
All candidates | Fall 502G Spring 502H |
2-Year Traditional Option | Newly credentialed 4 semesterst / 2 years 502E in Fall (Sem 1) 502F in spring (Sem 2) |
502A (1-Year Early Completion Option) | • CSTPS Self Assessment and Proficiency • All CSTPs • Self Assessment |
502E | • CSTPS Self Assessment and Proficiency • Lesson plan and observation • AI for teaching and learning • Introduction to teacher inquiry |
502F | • CSTPs in Action • Action Research |
502G | • CSTP Self Assessment and Proficiency • Lesson plan and observation • Action Research |
502H | • CSTP Self Assessment and Proficiency • Action Research and Reflection |
The online courses in the Teacher Induction have been developed with busy teachers in mind. Dr. Donovan, the program coordinator, is an expert in online teaching and learning and designed each course to be structured with tasks (and time expectations), chunked assignments, active involvement of the instructor and clearly articulated deadlines. You will feel like a part of a learning community, not an independent study.
Each course includes a curation of resources to support your growth in each of the CSTP elements. Course assignments include class discussions, self reflections, lesson plan analyses, an Individualized Learning Plan (ILP), lesson observation and feedback, and an opportunity to document your growth and proficiency at the CSTPs. You will also have meetings with your mentor with a specific focus each week to support your professional growth.
CSUF Teacher Induction Program: Admission
Applicants for the 2-year traditional completion option program must:
- Be any PreK-12 educator with a preliminary California credential who will remain employed as the teacher of record for the duration of the program.
- Must be teaching in the area listed on their preliminary credential. For multiple subjects, teachers must teach at least 2 subjects.
- Must be the teacher of record responsible for planning, implementing and evaluating learning experiences, in addition to assigning grades and parent communication for at least 10 students (single or multiple subject credential holders) or 3 students (education specialist credential holders).
- Must have at least a 25% contract (1.5 days a week) to teach in the area listed on their preliminary credential for the duration of the program.
- Must have access to diverse learners including language learners and students with special needs.
Please note: Your school administrator is required to validate the eligibility information above via our Administrator Agreement form.
In addition to the requirements for the two-year traditional program, applicants to the 1-year Early Completion Option program must:
- Have at least two years of teaching experience as teacher of record in the area of their earned credential as verified by their current employer
- Have been employed at their current school for at least one year by the start of the program
- Have proficiency at each element of the 2024 CSTPs at an applying level (independently proficient) as verified by a one-time administrator evaluation (additional or revised submissions of this form will not be permitted or accepted)
- Remain at the same school for the duration of the program
- Successfully complete the 1-unit summer bootcamp course with a grade of "B" or better (bootcamp course scheduled in July).
Please note: The Teacher Evaluation form can only be completed one time by the school administrator, additional submissions of this form will not be permitted or accepted.
For Early Completion Option (1-year) induction program applicants, their school administrator will need to complete and sign an Administrator Agreement and Recommendation Form (sent to them via email from EIP) as well as a Teacher Evaluation Form in order to verify the applicant’s eligibility for this program. Applicants must also submit a copy of their preliminary credential with their application.
Please visit the Teacher Induction Program Application page for more information.
- Hold a valid California Multiple Subject, Single Subject, or Education Specialist Preliminary Credential. (Commission staff may issue an extension of time by appeal for a credential or permit when an applicant verifies good cause for not completing the renewal requirements. For additional information, go to CTC Extension by Appeal for Credentials and Permits and/or email credentials@ctc.ca.gov.
- During the program, teach at least two courses in the subject area/grade level indicated by your preliminary credential — at a school district, charter school or private school. (Teachers employed outside of California may be eligible. For additional information, contact coetip@fullerton.edu.)
- During the program, remain employed as the teacher of record for no less than 10 students for teachers with a General Credential, no less than 3 students for teachers who have only an Education Specialist Credential, in assigned classrooms; plan, deliver, and assess standard based instruction, including the California Common Core State Standards; issue student grades; and be in direct communication with parents.
- Have access to a diverse population of students including English Language Learners, students with special needs and GATE students.
- Have face-to-face access to a mentor assigned by school district/site.
- The candidate’s school administrator is required to validate the eligibility information above via our Administrator Agreement form.
In addition to the eligibility requirements listed above, to be eligible for the 1-year Early Completion Option (ECO) Teacher Induction program candidates must:
- Have a minimum of two years teaching experience as teacher of record in the area of their earned credential. A minimum of one year teaching at current school, and employed at the same school for the duration of the program is also required.
- Be recommended to the ECO Teacher Induction Program by their school administrator. Please note: The candidate’s school administrator is required to validate the eligibility information the candidate provides and recommend them for the 1-year ECO by completing our Administrator Recommendation form.
To be considered for the 1-year Early Completion Option, school administrators will complete a Teacher Evaluation Form to verify applicants are independently proficient at each element of the recently revised (2024) California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTPs).Please note: The Teacher Evaluation form can only be completed one time by the school administrator, additional submissions of this form will not be permitted or accepted.
- Successfully complete our 1-unit summer EDEL/EDSC 502A bootcamp course with a grade of “B” or better
Candidates are not eligible for the Teacher Induction Program if they do not meet admission criteria listed above. This includes teachers who:
- Do not have a valid general (single or multiple subject) credential or education specialist credential with at least two years remaining.
- Do not have a contract for the first year of the program for at least 25% employment as a teacher of record in a California K-12 school/district with an approved Administrator Agreement Form.
- Are day-to-day or long-term substitute teachers, instructional aides or RTI specialists.
- Hold a Ryan Credential.
- Were not prepared in California.
- Are teachers of record with responsibility for less than 10 students.
- Have successfully completed their first year of induction training/units at a school district
CSUF Teacher Induction Program: Registration and Cost
Approved applicants for the 2-year Traditional Completion Option will be emailed Fall registration information during the months of July and August.
1-year Early Completion Option program candidates are required to complete the EDEL/EDSC/SPED 502A Bootcamp course with a grade of “B“ or better during the Summer (July) in order to be admitted as a 1-year ECO candidate for the Fall term. (Those who receive lower than a “B” grade will be offered admission to the 2-year Traditional Completion instead starting the fall term of that year.)
1-year Early Completion Option (ECO) conditionally-accepted applicants will be emailed the EDEL/EDSC/SPED 502A Bootcamp course registration information in the months of May and June. ECO admitted students will be emailed Fall registration information in August (after 502A bootcamp grades are posted).
CSUF Teacher Induction Program: District Responsibilities
CSUF Teacher Induction Program: Mentor Responsibilities
Per CTC requirements, mentors must be selected and assigned within 30 days of the participating teacher's (student's) enrollment. For successful course completion, we ask that mentors be assigned to the teacher candidate by the site administrator within one week following the course start date. Mentors may be assigned to support more than one new teacher candidate.
Efforts will be made to maintain respect and sensitivity for all involved and work collaboratively towards a solution. Appropriate information will only be shared when needed.
If a solution cannot be reached with the current mentor, the school administrator will need to identify another qualified mentor to work with the student/participant. The new mentor must complete a Mentor Agreement form and submit it to coetip@fullerton.edu for review.
The Teacher Induction Program provides guidance and clear expectations for the mentoring experience based on program design features. The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing requires the following qualifications of mentors:
- Knowledge of the contexts and the content area of the new teacher's teaching assignment;
- Demonstrated commitment to professional learning and collaboration;
- Possession of a Clear Teaching Credential
- General credential candidates must be paired with a mentor who holds the same type of credential as the candidate. Candidates with a preliminary Multiple Subject credential must be paired with a mentor with a cleared Multiple Subject credential. We highly recommend that these candidates be paired with mentors teaching in the same grade groups (i.e. K-3 candidates with K-3 mentors). Candidates with a preliminary Single Subject credential must be paired with a mentor teaching in the same subject matter (i.e. a candidate teaching History cannot be paired with a mentor teaching Math).
- Candidates with a preliminary Education Specialist credential must be paired with a mentor who holds the same credential type and teaches in the same specialty (i.e. moderate support needs (MMSN) candidates must be paired with a mentor with an MMSN specialty).
- Ability, willingness, and flexibility to meet the new teacher's needs for support;
- Minimum of three years of effective teaching experience; and
- Approval by the new teacher's site administrator to serve in the role of mentor.
CTC requires the mentor to meet with you at least once a week (for a total of 15 hours) to support your growth in the CSTPs. The CTC also requires mentors to participate in approximately 2 hours of training per semester. The program coordinator works with mentors on this requirement.
Applying for the Clear Credential
More Information
- Program Support: Courtney Marsac, coetip@fullerton.edu
- Induction Faculty Coordinator: Dr. Loretta Donovan, ldonovan@fullerton.edu
- TIP Handbook's Mentor Requirements section
- CSUF Credential Preparation Center
- CSUF Graduate Programs in Education
- California Commission on Teacher Credentialing