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Frequently asked questions

For answers to frequently asked questions about the Teacher Induction program, please expand the links below. For your convenience, the answers are grouped by category. If your question isn’t addressed below, please get in touch using our Contact Page and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

To skip to a specific section of the FAQs, click on the link below:


Our Teacher Induction Program is designed to meet updated California Commission on Teacher Credentialing requirements for earning a Clear Multiple Subject, Single Subject or Education Specialist Credential. Learn more about state requirements at the CTC Website.

Yes, qualified teachers who hold an Education Specialist Credential will be able to clear their credential with our Teacher Induction Program.

The Traditional induction program is four semesters long and is designed to be completed over a two-year period. Qualified teachers that meet certain requirements may be able to apply for the Early Completion Option to complete the program in three semesters (one year).

This program begins every fall semester in September. The application period runs from March to June for Early Completion (1-year) applicants and March to August for Traditional (2-year) induction program applicants. We do not offer a spring start of this program and do not admit new students in the spring semesters.

Program features:

  • Fully online
  • Strengthens new teachers’ professional practice and contributes to their future retention in the profession
  • Provides a robust mentoring system that includes both “just in time” and longer term analysis of teaching practice to help candidates develop enduring professional skills
  • Aligns with the National Board of Professional Teacher Standards (NBPTS) Five Core Propositions and the International Society of Technology in Education (ISTE) Standards for Teachers
  • Delivered by outstanding multiple and single subject educators with extensive online teaching experience
  • Traditional (2-year) program includes nine units of graduate credit for four courses delivered over four semesters; the Early Completion option awards five units of graduate credit for three courses delivered over three semesters
  • Provides opportunities to engage with an online community of new teachers throughout California
  • Provides individualized learning experiences based on candidates’ unique district, school and classroom environments
  • Offers multiple opportunities to demonstrate growth.

The program is fully online and there are no required face-to-face meetings. However, the program coordinator and course instructors are available for online or face-to-face office hours and advisement.

The traditional induction program is four semesters long and includes four courses for a total of nine graduate-course units. The courses are a formative assessment and professional development for new teachers. They focus on inquiry into teaching effectiveness, including analysis of inquiry and assessment of teaching and learning.

Year 1 Fall EDEL/EDSC/SPED 502E: New Teacher Induction, Semester 1 (3 units)
Spring EDEL/EDSC/SPED 502F: New Teacher Induction, Semester 2 (2 units)
Year 2 Fall EDEL/EDSC/SPED 502G: New Teacher Induction, Semester 3 (2 units)
Spring EDEL/EDSCSPED 502H: New Teacher Induction, Semester 4 (2 units)

The Early Completion Option (ECO) induction program is three semesters long and consists of three required courses, a total of 5 units.

Year 1 Summer EDEL/EDSC 502A: New Teacher Induction Bootcamp (1 unit)
Fall EDEL/EDSC/SPED 502G: New Teacher Induction, Semester 3 (2 units)
Spring EDEL/EDSC/SPED 502H: New Teacher Induction, Semester 4 (2 units)

A three-unit class requires three hours per week (similarly, a two-unit class requires two hours per week), plus additional time for studying, reading and assignments. These are the same requirements for face-to-face classes. Class assignments will focus on classroom teaching and development of proficiency in the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP).

An online course and a face-to-face course differ primarily in the way the course is facilitated. Instead of meeting on campus at a fixed location and time, students have more flexibility as to when and where they complete the course assignments and other activities. Online courses are structured to keep students on track and are actively facilitated by the instructor to ensure success. See our FAQ on Online Programs for more Information.

Courses will focus on the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP). In each course, candidates will advance on their Individual Learning Plan (ILP), which is aligned with the CSTP. This will include consecutive cycles of identifying professional growth goals; planning and implementing activities to achieve those goals; developing new knowledge and skills; and assessing whether goals were achieved.

The Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) will be initiated within the first 60 days of enrollment in the program. The plan will build on the knowledge and skills gained during the Preliminary Preparation program and will be completed over four semesters. It is a collaborative effort between the new teacher candidate, support provider and course instructors, with input from the employer regarding the candidate’s job assignment.

The ILP will include professional growth goals; a description of how the candidate will work to meet those goals; defined and measurable outcomes; and planned opportunities to reflect on progress and modify the ILP as needed.

To assess progress, the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP) Continuum of Teaching Practice will be used in alignment with the candidate’s Individualized Learning Plan.

Up to nine units of credit may be applied to one of Cal State Fullerton’s graduate programs in the College of Education. Please review our Graduate Program Information and contact the appropriate graduate program advisor for more information.


For Traditional (2-year) induction program applicants, their school administrator will need to complete and sign an Administrator Agreement form (sent to them via email from EIP) in order to verify the applicant’s eligibility for this program.

For Early Completion Option (1-year) induction program applicants, their school administrator will need to complete and sign an Administrator Agreement and Recommendation Form as well as a Teacher Evaluation Form (sent to them via email from EIP) in order to verify the applicant’s eligibility for this program.

Please visit the Teacher Induction Program Application page for more information.

To be eligibale for the traditional 2-year Teacher Induction Program, a candidate must meet all of the following requirements:

  • Hold a valid California Multiple Subject, Single Subject or Education Specialist Preliminary Credential. (Commission staff may issue an extension of time by appeal for a credential or permit when an applicant verifies good cause for not completing the renewal requirements. For additional information, go to CTC Extension by Appeal for Credentials and Permits and/or email credentials@ctc.ca.gov.)
  • During the program, teach at least two courses in the subject area/grade level indicated by your preliminary credential — at a school district, charter school or private school. (Teachers employed outside of California may be eligible. For additional information, contact eiptip@fullerton.edu.)
  • During the program, remain employed as the teacher of record for no less than 10 students for teachers with a General Credential, no less than 3 students for teachers who have only an Education Specialist Credential, in assigned classrooms; plan, deliver and assess standard based instruction, including the California Common Core State Standards; issue student grades; and be in direct communication with parents.
  • Have access to a diverse population of students including English Language Learners, students with special needs and GATE students.
  • Have face-to-face access to a mentor assigned by school district/site.
  • The candidate's school administrator is required to validate the eligibility information above via our Administrator Agreement form.

In addition to the eligibility requirements listed above, to be eligible for the 1-year Early Completion Option (ECO) Teacher Induction program candidates must:

  • Have completed a minimum of two years full-time consecutive teaching experience WITH their credential, working as the teacher of record in the area of their earned credential, at the same school and district, and will remain employed at that school throughout their participation in the TIP program.
  • Be recommended to the ECO Teacher Induction Program by their school administrator.

Please note: The candidate's school administrator is required to validate the eligibility information the candidate provides and recommend them for the 1-year ECO by completing our Administrator Recommendation form.

  • To be considered for the 1-year Early Completion Option, school administrators will complete a Teacher Evaluation Form to verify applicants are independently proficient at each element of the recently revised (2024) California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTPs).

Please note: The Teacher Evaluation form can only be completed one time by the school administrator, additional submissions of this form will not be permitted or accepted. 

  • Successfully complete the 1-unit summer EDEL/EDSC 502A bootcamp course with a grade of “B” or better

Candidates are not eligible for the Teacher Induction Program if they do not meet admission criteria listed above. This includes teachers who:

  • Do not have a valid general (single or multiple subject) credential or education specialist credential with at least two years remaining.
  • Do not have a contract for the first year of the program for at least 25% employment as a teacher of record in a California K-12 school/district with an approved Administrator Agreement Form.
  • Are day-to-day or long-term substitute teachers, instructional aides or RTI specialists.
  • Hold a Ryan Credential.
  • Were not prepared in California.
  • Are teachers of record with responsibility for less than 10 students.
  • Have successfully completed their first year of induction training/units at a school district

As long as you have earned a preliminary multiple or single subject credential, you are welcome to apply to our program, even if your preliminary credential has expired. Once we have reviewed and accepted your application, you can then fill out the CTC's extension request form, have your employer complete the "Employing Agency" portion of the extension form, and then send it to us at eiptip@fullerton.edu so that we can complete the "Induction Program" portion of you extension request form. We will send the completed extension request back to you so that you can submit it to the CTC for their review.

This requirement is no longer valid. We recommend that prospective candidates check with their employing district for advisement on their best option for a program to clear their credential.

Teachers employed at least 25% part-time — teaching at least two courses in the subject area/grade level indicated by their preliminary credential — are acceptable as long as they meet all additional admission criteria.

To continue in the program, you must remain employed by a California K-12 school with an approved Administrator Agreement Form. If anything listed on your approved Administrator Agreement Form changes (including: the subject or grade level you teach, the number of students you serve, amount of classes you teach, your school, etc.), you must notify both the TIP faculty coordinator and eiptip@fullerton.edu immediately and provide your new administrator's name and email address so that we can send then a new Administrator Agreement form to complete. You may continue in the program as long as your new employer/administrator verfies that you still meet the program eligibility requirements. Participating teachers who separate from their employment during a course will be required to stop out of the program until re-employed.

In the event that a traditional TIP student does not receive a “B-“ grade or better in the first course, EDEL/EDSC/SPED 502E, that student will need to re-apply to the Teacher Induction Program the next time it is offered and (once accepted) start the program over from the beginning. 

In the event that a traditional TIP student does not receive a “B-“ grade or better in any of the following courses: EDEL/EDSC/SPED 502F, 502G, or 502H, they will be required to stop out of the program and may not continue in the program until that course is successfully completed. A course may be repeated one time in order to receive a passing grade. Depending on your situation, this could result in a delay of a year or more.

If an ECO TIP candidate does not receive a “B” grade or better in the EDEL/EDSC 502A summer course, that student is no longer eligible for the 1-year ECO program. This student can either enroll for the traditional 2-year program in the fall semester (the same year they took the 502A course) OR re-apply to the Teacher Induction Program the next time it is offered and (once accepted) start the program over from the beginning.

Please review the Standards for Continued Participation in Credential Programs at California State University, Fullerton for the expectations of all students in the program, as well as program removal information.

Standards for Continued Participation in Credential Programs at California State University, Fullerton outlines procedures for how a student may appeal a decision. Forms are included in this document.

Applicants who are teaching in international or out-of-state settings may qualify for the program if they meet California content and contexts. After you apply to the Teacher Induction Program, you will be sent an Out of State Standards Verification form to complete as part of your application.

Yes. However, our program only meets the induction requirement. See additional information at the TIP Handbook's Out-of-State Credential Holders section.

Registration and Cost

Approved applicants to the 2-year Traditional Teacher Induction Program will be sent registration instructions via email and will be welcome to enroll online for the Fall courses in July and August. 

Early Completion Option (1-year) program candidates are required to successfully complete the EDEL/EDSC 502A bootcamp course with a grade of “B“ or better during the Summer in order to be admitted as an ECO (1-year) student for the Fall term. (Those who receive lower than a “B” grade will be welcome to enroll into the Traditional (2-year) program that fall.) 

Early Completion Option (ECO) conditionally-accepted applicants will be sent the EDEL/EDSC 502A bootcamp course registration information via email in May and June. Early Completion Option (ECO) admitted students will then be sent registration instructions via email in August (after bootcamp grades have been submitted) so that they can enroll online for their Fall courses.

The program is offered through University Extension and the current cost is $650 per unit. The total cost of the Traditional program is $5,850 (excluding fees) for 9 units. (Costs are divided over four semesters.) The total cost of the Early Completion Option program is $3,250 (excluding fees) for 5 units. (Costs are divided over three semesters.) Program and course costs are subject to change.

Extension students are not eligible for traditional financial aid. However, University Extension provides information that may assist students to participate in a variety of student private loan programs. Please refer to Financial Assistance for Continuing Education.

District Responsibilities

The Administrator Agreement Form needs to be signed by the school administrator. It is an official document signed by the school administrator which confirms candidate employment, eligibility for our program, and identifies the mentor assigned by your school/district. The agreement describes the responsibilities of the school administrator, mentor and candidate.

Site administrators will assign a mentor to candidates per the Administrator Agreement Form. The assigned mentor must complete a Mentor Agreement form confirming that they are eligible to serve as a mentor and agree to the mentor responsibilities.

Mentor Responsibilities

Each candidate will receive an average of one hour per week of individualized support/mentoring coordinated and/or provided by the mentor.

Per CTC requirements, mentors must be selected and assigned within 30 days of the participating teacher's (student's) enrollment. For successful course completion, we ask that mentors be assigned to the teacher candidate by the site administrator within one week following the course start date. Mentors may be assigned to support more than one new teacher candidate.

There are several reasons why a candidate may need to be placed with a different mentor other than the one originally assigned. Whatever the reason, it is the responsibility of the student/participant to notify their school administrator, the TIP faculty coordinator and email eiptip@fullerton.edu of the issue/request to change mentors immediately.

Efforts will be made to maintain respect and sensitivity for all of those involved and to work collaboratively towards a solution. Appropriate information will only be shared when needed.

If a solution cannot be reached with the current mentor, the school administrator will need to identify another qualified mentor to work with the student/participant. The new mentor must complete a Mentor Agreement form and submit it to eiptip@fullerton.edu for review.

The Teacher Induction Program provides guidance and clear expectations for the mentoring experience based on program design features. The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing requires the following qualifications of mentors:

  • Knowledge of the contexts and the content area of the new teacher's teaching assignment;
  • Demonstrated commitment to professional learning and collaboration;
  • Possession of a Clear Teaching Credential
    • General credential candidates must be paired with a mentor who holds the same type of credential as the candidate. Candidates with a preliminary Multiple Subject credential must be paired with a mentor with a cleared Multiple Subject credential. We highly recommend that these candidates are paired with mentors teaching in the same grade groups (i.e. K-3 candidates with K-3 mentors). Candidates with a preliminary Single Subject credential must be paired with a mentor teaching in the same subject matter (i.e. a candidate teaching History cannot be paired with a mentor teaching Math).
    • Candidates with a preliminary Education Specialist credential must be paired with a mentor who hold the same credential type and teaches in the same specialty (i.e. moderate support needs (MMSN) candidates must be paired with a mentor with an MMSN specialty).
  • Ability, willingness and flexibility to meet the new teacher's needs for support;
  • Competence in mentoring practices and familiarity with the Teacher Induction Program, including willingness to participate in online training activities;
  • Minimum of three years of effective teaching experience; and
  • Approval by the new teacher's site administrator to serve in the role of mentor.

TIP mentors are expected to spend a minimum of five hours per month during the academic year. They have access to many online resources and have the option of completing online professional development to develop their knowledge and skills in mentoring practice. See additional information in the TIP Handbook's Mentor Qualifications and Responsibilities section.

Responsibilities of the Teacher Induction Program mentor include the following:

Ongoing training and support for mentors include access to online resources such as training modules; information on coaching and mentoring; use of appropriate mentoring instruments; support for individual mentoring challenges; reflection on mentoring practice; and opportunities to engage with mentoring peers in professional learning networks. Mentors will have the opportunity to self-assess and receive formative feedback on their mentoring practice. Training and support resources will be made available to mentors prior to the beginning of each semester.

The program can assign a university-based mentor at no additional cost; however, you will need to cover any expenses associated with videotaping and digitally sharing a classroom lesson each semester. Additional information on university-based mentors is found at the TIP Handbook's Mentor Requirements section.

Applying for the Clear Credential

Upon completion of the Teacher Induction Program, candidates will apply for the Clear Credential through the Credential Preparation Center. The application requires documentation of current CPR certification and a processing fee.

More Information

See these resources for additional information:

What’s your next step?

Send us a note via our contact form or join the Teacher Induction Program email list. If you join the email list, we will send you a program guide and you will receive program and application updates.

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