Accelerated M.S. in Applied Computer Science

California State University, Fullerton

Program schedule

The Accelerated M.S. in Applied Computer Science is a four-semester, on-campus degree program. The program consists of 30 units (10 courses) to be completed over 16 months. Students are grouped into a cohort that follows the same class schedule throughout the program.

The program curriculum is designed with the following learning goals: foundational knowledge of software development, implementation and management of software process, assessment/appraisal of computing technologies, collaboration and teamwork, critical thinking and problem solving, research and communication.


CPSC 456: Network Security Fundamentals*

CPSC 533: Applied Algorithms

CPSC 541: Systems and Software Standards and Requirements

CPSC 545: Software Design and Architecture


CPSC 483: Introduction to Machine Learning*

CPSC 515: Mobile Computing

CPSC 531: Advanced Database Management

CPSC 549: Web Application Frameworks


CPSC 589: Seminar in Computer Science

CPSC 597: Project

- All courses are three units. -
*The course may be replaced by a Grad level course

Program Schedule
Term Dates Course Course Title Units

Aug to Dec CPSC 456* Network security fundamentals 3
CPSC 533 Applied algorithms 3
CPSC 541 Systems and software requirements 3

Jan to May CPSC 545 Software design and architecture 3
CPSC 483* Introduction to machine learning 3
CPSC 531 Advanced database management 3
CPSC 549 Web application frameworks 3
Summer  May to June CPSC 589 Seminar in computer science 3
Fall  Aug to Dec CPSC 515 Mobile computing 3
CPSC 597 Project 3

*The course may be replaced by a Grad level course.

What’s your next step?

Learn about our program fees or join the AMACS email list. By joining the email list, you will receive program and application updates.

Fees and Financial Aid

What's your next step - Apply

Our program is a fast and affordable way to advance in the computer science field. Learn more about program costs and financial aid on our Fees page.
