Summer 2025 Study Abroad & Global Engagement (SAGE) Programs
The summer break is a great time to earn credit, get closer to graduation and experience the world.
Summer Session provides a great opportunity to achieve your academic goals and accelerate your path to graduation. Contact your Student Success Team to find out how you may benefit from taking summer classes.
Session | Dates | Length |
Session A | May 27 – June 27, 2025 | 5 weeks |
Session B | June 30 – August 1, 2025 | 5 weeks |
Session C | June 23 – August 1, 2025 | 6 weeks |
Session D | May 27 – July 18, 2025 | 8 weeks |
Session E | May 27 – August 1, 2025 | 10 weeks |
Registration begins on March 17, 2025.
Academic Freedom and Responsibility
Campus Wide Identification Number
Confidential Advocacy Services
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
General Education Requirements
Important Dates and Deadlines pDF
University Operator | (657) 278-2011 |
After Hours Directory | (657) 278-2200 |
TITAN Help Line | (657) 278-7601 |
CSU Homepage | |
CSUF Homepage | |
Academic Advising Center Homepage | |
My CSUF | |
Student Business Services | |
Open University Information | |
University Extension | |
Summer Session | |
Winter Session | |
Each student has been issued an e-mail address where University messages are sent to you. For additional information about your e-mail account, contact (657) 278-8888. Many campus offices have begun utilizing e-mail as the primary communication mode to the student. Be sure to check your CSUF e-mail account on a regular basis.
You are required to keep your mailing address, e-mail address, and phone number current with the university to ensure that you receive all university communications. Your address can be updated online through your Titan Online Student Center.
The University is committed to maintaining a positive learning, working and living environment free from discrimination, harassment, or retaliation. The CSU Nondiscrimination Policy requires compliance from the entire campus community.
Inquiries concerning compliance with the Policy or implementing campus procedures should be directed to the appropriate administrators that can assist in resolving complaints.
For inquiries about discrimination, harassment and retaliation based on gender, sex or sexual orientation, sex discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual assault/misconduct, dating/domestic violence, sexual exploitation and stalking, please contact Sarah Bauer, Title IX Coordinator, CSUF, College Park Suite 205, 657-278- 2121 or visit
For inquiries about discrimination, harassment, and retaliation based on any other protected status, including race, religion, disability or medical condition, please contact Derek Bowe, DHR Administrator, CSUF, College Park, Suite 207, 657-278-4933; or visit;
For student referrals and complaints related to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, please contact Disability Support Services by emailing, calling (675) 278-3112, or visiting their office in Gordon Hall 101,;
U.S Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, San Francisco, Office, 50 Beale Street, Suite 7200, San Francisco, CA 94105, 415-486-5555, Fax 415-486-5570, TDD 877-521-2172,
Copies of the above policies and student grievance procedures are available in the offices of the President (CP-1000), Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs (CP-1000), Vice President for Student Affairs (LH-805), Human Resources, Diversity & Inclusion (CP-700), Disability Support Services (GH-101), University Police (UPD-139), College Deans, Office of Student Life (TSU- 247), Titan Athletics (Titan House), and University Library Reference Desk (PLN).
Beginning with the Fall 2009 semester there were changes to the repetition of course policy and the withdrawal policy. For further details, please refer to
GRADUATE STUDIES Cal State Fullerton offers outstanding opportunities for students to pursue a graduate degree. CSUF offers graduate degrees, including two doctoral programs, as well as nine programs entirely online. Please visit for more information and a list of programs.
Although this Registration Guide was prepared on the basis of the best information available at the time, all information including class meeting times and locations, faculty, course offerings and statements of fees is subject to change without notice or obligation. The university does not guarantee the availability of a particular course or section.
Enrollment is permitted only until the maximum number of students in a section has been enrolled. This Registration Guide is published by Office of the Registrar.
The university encourages all students to seek advising each semester, well in advance of registration. Advisers in each major department, College Student Success Team, and in the Academic Advisement Center (PLN-1, Pollack Library) assist students in making appropriate course selections and in planning a course of study. Students have the responsibility for taking advantage of opportunities for academic advising provided by the various university offices and programs.
Academic Advising is the academic home of the undeclared student. All undergraduate students may obtain information about the CSUF general education curriculum and degree requirements by visiting the Academic Advising Center in PLN-1, Pollack Library. Advising is offered on a walk in and virtual basis Monday through Friday and all students must run a current copy of their Titan Degree Audit (TDA) to meet with an academic adviser. Visit for updated hours of operation.
Students who have declared a major should consult their departmental adviser well in advance of registration. Students who wish to explore the majors offered by a specific college should contact the appropriate advisement office.
Student Success Teams can be found at
College of the Arts | ||
Arnold Holland, Dean | VA-199 | (657) 278-3256 |
Dave Mickey, Associate Dean | VA-199 | (657) 278-3256 |
College of Business and Economics | ||
Dr. Sridhar Sundaram, Dean | ||
Business Advising Center | SGMH-1201 | (657) 278-2211 |
Dr. Jenny Zhang, Associate Dean, Academic Programs & Student Success |
SGMH 3100 | (657) 278-4652 |
College of Communications | ||
Office of the Dean | CP-450 | (657) 278-3355 |
Jason Shepard, Dean | CP-450 | (657) 278-5399 |
Heather Osborne-Thompson, Assoc. Dean | CP-450 | (657) 278-2097 |
Robert Flores, Assistant Dean, Student Affairs | CP-210 | (657) 278-7315 |
College of Communications Student Success Center | CP-210 | (657) 278-4926 |
College of Education | ||
Dr. Lisa Kirtman, Dean | CP-500 | (657) 278-3411 |
Dr. Kim Case, Associate Dean | CP-500 | (657) 278-3411 |
Ms. Heather Terry, Director, Center for Careers in Teaching | EC-379 | (657) 278-7130 |
College of Engineering and Computer Science | ||
Office of the Dean | CS-502 | (657) 278-3362 |
Dr. Susamma Barua, Dean | CS-502 | (657) 278-3362 |
Dr. Sang June Oh, Associate Dean | CS-502 | (657) 278-3362 |
College of Health & Human Development | ||
Celestina Barbosa-Leiker, Dean | EC-606 | |
Dr. Kavin Tsang, Associate Dean. Student Affairs | EC-606 | (657) 278-2609 |
Dr. James Ruby, Associate Dean | EC-606 | (657) 278-3245 |
Department of Child and Adolescent Studies | EC-503 | (657) 278-8458 |
Department of Kinesiology Advising Center | KHS-193 | (657) 278-3292 |
Department of Health Science Advising Center | KHS-193 | (657) 278-3292 |
Department of Human Services Advising | EC-479 | (657) 278-5472 |
School of Nursing Advising Center | EC-199 | (657) 278-3336 |
College of Humanities and Social Sciences | ||
Dr. Jessica Stern, Dean | ||
Office of the Dean | H-211 | (657) 278-3528 |
Dr.Natalie Graham, Associate Dean, Faculty and Staf f Relations | H-211 | (657) 278-3528 |
Dr. Carl Wendt, Associate Dean, Student Relations | H-211 | (657) 278-3528 |
Brittney Swanson, Assistant Dean, Student Academic Services | H-112 | (657) 278-2594 |
College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics | ||
Dr. Marie Johnson, Dean | MH-166 | (657) 278-2638 |
Dr. Nicholas Salzameda, Associate Dean | MH-166 | |
Undeclared Majors | ||
Undeclared and Academic Advising Center | PLN - First Floor | (657) 278-3601 | | ||
Open University (Students not currently admitted to CSUF) | ||
Suzanne Batista, Open University Advisor | CP-950 | |
Michelle Hernandez, Open University Advisor | CP-950 | | |
Academic dishonesty includes such actions like cheating, submitting false information or citations, plagiarism, unauthorized collaboration, and helping someone else commit an act of academic dishonesty.
The initial responsibility for detecting and responding to the academic dishonesty lies with the instructor concerned. An instructor who is convinced by the evidence that a student is responsible for violating the academic dishonesty policy shall:
The Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students shall maintain an academic dishonesty file of all cases of academic dishonesty with the appropriate documentation. Students shall be informed when their names are included in a report that is submitted. The Office of Student Conduct may initiate disciplinary proceedings under Title 5, California Code of Regulations, Section 41301, and Chancellor’s Executive Order 1098.
A student may appeal any action taken on a charge of academic dishonesty under the University Policy Statement 300.030, “Academic Appeals.” See “Academic Appeals” in the “Student Affairs” section of the university catalog.
The Academic Senate of California State University, Fullerton, endorses the 1987 Statement on Professional Ethics (UPS 230.000) and the 1940 Statement of Principles and Interpretive Comments of the American Association of University Professors contained in the 1984 Edition of Policy Documents and Reports.
If you are experiencing difficulty either academically or in your personal life, you should consult support groups on campus that may be able to assist you. Personal counseling is available from Counseling and Psychological Services. If you are unsure of a career, you should consult with the Career Center for special career counseling and interest testing. Other support services include: the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs, Academic Advisement Center, Academic Appeals, Dean of Students Office, Disability Support Services, Financial Aid, International Education and Exchange, Student Wellness, University Learning Center, Adult Re-entry/Veterans Resource Center, Writing Center, and Registration and Records.
There have been significant changes to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) regarding students’ rights with respect to their educational records. See FERPA for more information.
The symbol AU identifies those instances where a student enrolled in a course for purposes not requiring credit. An auditor must have the permission of the instructor, and may enroll only after students otherwise eligible to enroll in the course for credit have done so. Auditors pay the same fees as credit students; regular class attendance is expected. Once enrolled as an auditor, a student may not change to credit after the last day to add classes. A student enrolled for credit may not change to audit after the deadline published on the Important Dates and Deadlines.pdf. An auditor does not take examinations in the course; therefore, there is no basis for evaluation nor a formal grade report.
The University’s policy concerning the use of bicycles, skateboards and other forms of non-motor vehicle transportation is set forth in President’s Directive No.16. Please see
Due to recent state laws concerning identity theft, Cal State Fullerton assigns all students a campus wide ID number (CWID). All university records and accounts for the student will be identified with the CWID. Each student needs to become familiar with his or her CWID number for conducting university business and making academic inquiries.
While class attendance is not recorded officially by the university, regular attendance in class is often essential to success in a course. Policy on class attendance is within the discretion of the individual faculty member, who shall announce the policy at the first class meeting of the session.
It is especially important that students attend the first meeting of a class. Students absent from the first meeting without notification to the instructor or departmental office within 24 hours after class may be denied admission to the class. Instructors may deny admission to absentees to admit persons on waiting lists in their places. A student who registers for a class and whose name appears on the first-day-of-class list should attend all class meetings. For students enrolled in online, hybrid or televised courses, meetings are defined as logging on to the course on the Learning Management System (e.g. Canvas). If a student decides not to continue enrollment in a class, either before or after instruction begins, it is the student’s responsibility to follow the appropriate procedures for dropping the class; however, if a student is absent without notifying the instructor or departmental office within 24 hours after any meeting missed during the first week, the student may be dropped administratively from the class by the instructor. Students should not assume that this will be done for them and should take the responsibility to ensure that they have been dropped by following the appropriate procedures for dropping classes. An instructor may also administratively drop a student who does not meet prerequisites for the course. These administrative withdrawals shall be without penalty.
The Summer Session 2025 class schedule is available online in your Titan Online Student Center or at
An explanation of the codes used in the online class listing can be found at Schedule of Classes and Explanations of Codes.
A departmental permit is required to add a closed class.
A student with a graduate degree objective must maintain continuous enrollment until the degree is awarded. Summer sessions and winter session are excluded, except for programs with mandatory summer enrollment.
A graduate student who fails to register and who has not obtained approval for a formal leave of absence, has discontinued enrollment in the graduate degree program. If the student wishes to resume study, he or she must reapply for admission to the university and to the degree program.
End of Program Enrollment: students who have enrolled in all units required for the degree and are continuing to work on thesis, project or comprehensive exam preparation, are expected to maintain continuous enrollment by enrolling in GRAD 700 Continuous Enrollment (zero units). Students must notify their Graduate Adviser if they need to enroll in GRAD 700.
If you are unsure as to whether GRAD 700 applies to your situation, contact your Program Adviser.
Implementation of the CSU Nondiscrimination Policy Attachment C: Confidential Sexual
Assault Victim's Advocates
TitanTHRIVE's Confidential Advocacy Services provide campus and community referrals for aftercare, academic accommodations, safety planning, court accompaniment, and housing intervention for students, staff, and faculty who have been impacted by the various forms of sexual violence. Sexual violence is experienced in a variety of ways including sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, sexual or gender-based harassment, and gender-based violence. These experiences may occur directly in-person or virtually using technology. We are dedicated to a trauma-informed and survivor-centered approach in all of our services and programming. Additional information can be found at or contact our office in the SHCC-E building, 657-278-2800.
A postbaccalaureate student who has completed student teaching but must complete requirements for an elementary or secondary teaching credential and finds it impossible to enroll in courses for the credential during a certain semester may apply for a leave of absence.
Course Syllabi, which shall be compatible with approved course proposals on file in the Office of the Associate Vice President, Academic Programs, and with course descriptions in the university catalog, must be provided to students in writing within the first five days of instruction. Course Syllabi shall give detailed information on the following matters:
It shall be a normal and reasonable duty of each faculty member to provide these materials, in accordance with the outlined provisions. The faculty member shall also provide these materials to the department chair.
Candidates for the baccalaureate must file an application for a graduation check one year (two semesters) prior to the semester in which they anticipate completing all requirements for a degree. Undergraduate candidates for May 2026 must file by February 2, 2026. Complete information and instructions about the entire graduation check process for undergraduates are available on the university website under “Graduation.”
Complete information, semester deadlines, and instructions about the graduation check process for graduate students are available on the Office of Graduate Studies website, Current Students, Graduation Preparation.
A change in anticipated date of graduation may be reported by filing the necessary form with the Graduation Unit (LH-114) for undergraduate students, and submitting the form on the Graduate Studies website: for graduate students.
Disability Support Services (DSS) is a civil rights office committed to providing students with disabilities access and an equal opportunity to demonstrate knowledge and abilities. If you are a student with a disability and are seeking accommodations, you can find more information at:
During the summer sessions, the final is held on the last day of class or as noted on the course syllabus.
The University uses a combination of traditional and nontraditional grading options as follows:
Students may indicate the grading basis for each course when they register. They have until the deadline published on the Important Dates and Deadlines.pdf of this registration guide to change an option. If grading for a course is listed as “Undergraduate Student Option”, the course can be taken either for a letter grade (A,B,C,D) or as credit/no credit. If no option is chosen, the course will default to letter grade. Certain faculty designated courses may solely be taken as graded or as credit/no credit. To change the option from letter grade to Credit/No Credit or from Credit/No Credit to a letter grade, use the pull down menu under “Grading” at the time you enroll in the class. A letter grade (A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, F) must be used by all undergraduate students for major, minor, and general education requirements. A letter grade (A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, F) must be used by graduate students for all required courses. Exceptions are those courses designed by the faculty to be graded Letter Grade Only or CR/NC only.
Students should know that there is a limitation on the number of courses which can be taken with the nontraditional grading basis. A maximum of 36 units of credit/no credit courses, including those transferred from other institutions, may be counted toward the baccalaureate. Limited courses with a grade of CR may be used for the master’s or doctorate degree. A detailed description of the grading policy and definition of symbols used may be found in the current catalog.
Undergraduate students who plan to pursue graduate or professional studies later are advised to be selective in opting for courses on a credit/no credit basis. As a general rule (advisory only), coursework that is preparatory or prerequisite to advanced specialized study should be completed and evaluated on a letter grade basis and not credit/no credit.
The symbol “I” (Incomplete Authorized) signifies that a portion of the required coursework for a class has not been completed and evaluated in the prescribed time period, due to unforeseen but fully justified reasons, and that there is still a possibility of earning credit. It is the responsibility of the student to bring pertinent information to the instructor and to determine from the instructor the remaining course requirements which must be satisfied to remove the Incomplete. A final grade is assigned when the work agreed upon has been completed and evaluated.
An Incomplete must be made up within one year following the end of the term during which it was assigned. This limitation prevails whether or not the student maintains continuous enrollment. Failure to complete the assigned work will result in an Incomplete being changed to an “IC” symbol or an “NC” unless the faculty member assigns a specific letter grade at the time the incomplete is assigned, which would replace the “I” in the student’s record at the end of the one year deadline. Therefore, “I” grades that were earned for the spring 2025 semester must be completed by May 23, 2026. “I” grades assigned at the end of the fall 2024 semester must be completed by January 2, 2026.
The “IC” symbol counts as a failing grade for grade point average and grade point balance computations.
A grade of incomplete may be given only when, in the opinion of the instructor, a student cannot complete a course during the semester of enrollment for reasons beyond the student’s control. Such reasons are assumed to include: illness of the student or of members of the student’s immediate family, extraordinary financial problems, loss of outside position, and other exigencies. In assigning a grade of ‘I’, the instructor shall file with the department, for future reference and student access, a Statement of Requirements for Completion of Course Work. The requirements shall not include retaking the course. The instructor will also designate a time limit (up to one year) for completing requirements. Upon request, a copy of the document will be furnished to the student. The student should review this statement at the earliest opportunity.
The statement of requirements will include an indication of the quality of the student’s work to date. This not only provides an interim evaluation for the student but assists the department chair in assigning a final grade in those instances where the instructor is no longer available. When specific requirements are completed, the instructor will report a change of grade. The responsibility for changing the incomplete grade rests with the instructor.
If you want to register in an independent study course, you must obtain written approval from the instructor and the department chair using the appropriate university form. During the semester, you and the instructor shall prepare a study plan and submit it to the department chair, or designee, for approval. The approved study plan shall be kept on file in the department or program office, and shall include a statement of the basis for the final evaluation of the independent study.
You may not take more than 6 units of independent study at the undergraduate level in a given semester or apply more than 9 units of independent study toward completion of the undergraduate degree. If you are a graduate student, you may not apply more than 6 units of independent study toward completion of a graduate degree unless written approval is obtained by the appropriate college dean.
Lower division students normally enroll in Independent Study 299, upper division students in 499; and graduate students in 599, respectively. Independent study courses may be repeated.
Earn course credit while gaining practical experience related to your major by registering for an academic internship or service-learning course. Check your department for requirements and prerequisites. Be sure to start early (sometimes a semester ahead), especially if an academic internship is a graduation requirement for your major. Many placements are available at businesses, nonprofit organizations and government agencies at locations throughout southern California and opportunities may also be available out of state or overseas.
Experiential learning opportunities are high impact practices that allow students to expand their knowledge, apply theories and skills learned in the classroom, prepare for successful entry into the job market, and develop as socially responsible citizens. Participating in high impact practices like internships and service-learning can keep students on track for graduation, and prepare them for meaningful careers. Additionally, academic internship and service-learning courses offer opportunities for students to:
To learn more about the opportunities available within your major, contact your department or visit the Center for Internships & Community Engagement in LH-206, open Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Information is online at
A leave of absence may be granted based on certain documented extenuating circumstances and normally is granted for not more than one year. Students must be in good academic standing and must have completed 12 units at this university. A leave of absence is not granted in order for a student to return to a community college to take coursework for financial or academic reasons. An approved leave of absence authorizes the student to return without reapplying to the university and continue under the catalog requirements prior to the absence. Undergraduate and postbaccalaureate unclassified graduate students on approved leaves of one year (two academic semesters) or less are eligible to register for the semester immediately following the end of the leave.
Graduate degree or credential students may be granted leaves of absence, up to two consecutive semesters, which maintain their place in the university and in degree or credential programs (i.e., they do not have to reapply following the leave). A leave granted to a degree objective student also preserves the election of curriculum rights regarding catalog requirements. However, a leave granted by the university does not extend time limitations imposed by the state for completing specific credential requirements nor does it extend the time limit for completing the master’s or doctorate degree.
In the case of non-approved breaks in enrollment, reapplication for admission to the university and to the chosen degree or credential program will be required. A place in the degree/credential program or in the university will not be held for the student in these circumstances.
Forms for requesting a leave of absence are available on the Graduate Studies website: Credential and credential students must have completed at least one semester in residence at this university in order to qualify for a leave of absence. All graduate and credential leave requests must be submitted before the first day of classes.
For the latest information on library hours, call (657) 278-2721, or at
The California State University (CSU or University) is committed to maintaining an inclusive and equitable community that values diversity and fosters mutual respect. We embrace our community differences in Age, Disability (physical and mental), Gender, Gender Identity (including nonbinary and transgender), Gender Expression, Genetic Information, Marital Status, Medical Condition, Nationality, Pregnancy or related conditions, Race or Ethnicity (including color, caste, or ancestry), Religion or Religious Creed, Sex (including Sex Stereotyping or Sex Characteristics), Sexual Orientation, Veteran or Military Status. All Students and Employees have the right to participate fully in CSU programs, activities, and employment free from Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Exploitation, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Stalking and Retaliation.
The CSU Nondiscrimination Policy is established in compliance with Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex in Education Programs or Activities Receiving Federal Financial Assistance (34 C.F.R. 106.); The California Equity in Higher Education Act; The Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (which amends the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security and Campus Crimes Statistics Act, commonly known as the Clery Act) (VAWA) under its Campus Sexual Violence Elimination Act provision (Campus SaVE Act); Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990; The Age Discrimination Act of 1975; and other applicable state and federal laws which prohibit Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Exploitation, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Stalking, and Retaliation.
It is the policy of the CSU that no student or applicant for admission as a student shall, on the basis of a protected status, be unlawfully excluded from participation in or be denied the benefits of any CSU program or activity. Nor shall a student or applicant for admission as a student be otherwise subjected to unlawful discrimination, harassment or retaliation for exercising any rights under the CSU Nondiscrimination Policy.
Discrimination is prohibited by Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Sections 508 and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment Act, Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, including all subsequent amendments and administrative regulations adopted thereunder by the Department of Education and Department of Labor.
Employees and students who violate the CSU Nondiscrimination Policy, or any superseding policy, may be subject to discipline. If employee discipline is appropriate it shall be administered in a manner consistent with applicable collective bargaining agreements, CSU policies and legal requirements. Discipline of a student shall be administered in accordance with Section 41301 of Title 5, California Code of Regulations and Student Conduct Procedures, or any superseding policy, if applicable.
Information concerning campus nondiscrimination policies and procedures, can be obtained from Derek Bowe, Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation Administrator, College Park, Suite 205, (657) 278-8454 or visit
Open University provides an opportunity for people not currently admitted to Cal State Fullerton to enroll in undergraduate and graduate-level courses. Registration is on a space-available basis and students must meet stated prerequisite requirements. For more information, please review OU General Instructions and OU Summer Dates & Details. Reach out to University Extension Student Services for questions about the process. Need Advising? Consult with one of the Open University Advisors with any questions prior to registering.
A maximum of 24 units earned through Open University may count towards a bachelor’s degree at CSUF. Credit earned through Open University may not be used to fulfill the residence requirements (30 semester units) for a bachelor’s degree at CSUF. For graduate degrees, normally 9 units may apply. Please consult the graduate department adviser. Undergraduate students experiencing Academic Disqualification (ADQ) from CSUF may enroll in a maximum of 6 units during a Summer term. Participation in Open University enrollment does not constitute admission to the university.
Grade Forgiveness (16-unit limit)
An undergraduate student may repeat up to 16 units of course work with ‘Grade Forgiveness’.
This category of repeat is used for grades of C- (1.7) or lower. In computing the
grade point average of a student who repeats courses in which he or she received C-
(1.7) or lower, only the most recently earned grades and grade points shall be used
in the GPA calculation for the first 16 units repeated. In exercising this option,
an undergraduate student must take and repeat the course at this campus. Repeat policy
will be automatically applied to courses repeated each semester during final grade
processing at the end of the term.
Grades Averaged (12-unit limit)
An undergraduate may repeat up to 12 units of course work with ‘Grades Averaged’,
beginning Fall 2009 forward. Under this category of repeat, both grades are calculated
into the student’s GPA.
Maximum Repeat Limit (28 units)
The 16 units of ‘Grade Forgiveness’ and the 12 units of ‘Grades Averaged’ comprise
the maximum repeat limit of 28 units for an undergraduate student.
Regulation Against Repeat of Courses with ‘C’ Grade or Better
Undergraduate students may not repeat a course in which a grade of ‘C’ or better has
already been earned. This does not apply to those courses noted in the university
catalog as “may be repeated for credit”.
Regulation Against Repeat of a Course with an ‘I’ Currently on Record
A student may not re-enroll in a course for which he or she has received an ‘I’ until
the ‘I’ has either been assigned a final grade, or been converted to an ‘IC’.
For further information on Undergraduate Repeat Policy, see
Implementation of the CSU Nondiscrimination Policy Attachment G - Systemwide Prevention Policy
The Office for Civil Rights and Equity provides comprehensive programming, initiatives, strategies, and campaigns intended to raise awareness and prevent dating violence, domestic violence, sexual misconduct/sexual assault, sexual exploitation, and stalking before they occur through the promotion of behaviors that foster healthy relationships, encourage safe bystander intervention, and establish social norms that support health and safety. For more information, visit
It is the policy of California State University, Fullerton to maintain a working and learning environment free from sexual harassment, sexual misconduct and sexual exploitation of its students, employees, and those who apply for student or employee status. Sexual harassment is illegal under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and California Education Code Section 89535. The CSU Nondiscrimination Policy prohibits sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, sexual exploitation, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, and related retaliation within the CSU system. The University will take action to eliminate sexual harassment and similar behavior. Information concerning campus sexual harassment policies and procedures, can be obtained from Sarah Bauer, Title IX Coordinator, College Park, Suite 205, (657) 278-2121 or visit
The Office for Civil Rights and Equity provides comprehensive programming, initiatives, strategies, and campaigns intended to raise awareness and prevent dating violence, domestic violence, sexual misconduct/sexual assault, sexual exploitation, and stalking before they occur through the promotion of behaviors that foster healthy relationships, encourage safe bystander intervention, and establish social norms that support health and safety.
Cal State Fullerton’s ongoing prevention programs and initiatives focus on increasing awareness and understanding of topics relevant to, and skills for, addressing dating violence, domestic violence, sexual misconduct/sexual assault, sexual exploitation, and stalking, using a range of strategies with audiences throughout the CSUF community. This includes both community-wide or audience-specific programming, initiatives, and strategies that increase audience knowledge and share information and resources to prevent violence, reduce perpetration, promote safety and a culture of respect. Individuals, organizations, or departments may contact to request a workshop, training, or any other type of programming related to addressing dating violence, domestic violence, sexual misconduct/sexual assault, sexual exploitation, and stalking.
Applicants are required to include their correct social security numbers in designated places on applications for admission pursuant to the authority contained in Section 41201, Title 5, California Code of Regulations, and Section 6109 of the Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. 6109). The University uses the social security number to identify students and their records including identification for purposes of financial aid eligibility and disbursement and the repayment of financial aid and other debts payable to the institution. Also, the Internal Revenue Service requires the University to file information returns that include the student’s social security number and other information such as the amount paid for qualified tuition, related expenses, and interest on educational loans. This information is used by the IRS to help determine whether a student, or a person claiming a student as a dependent, may take a credit or deduction to reduce federal income taxes. The Social Security number also is required by the Franchise Tax Board for collection of past due accounts.
For other records and services, the university uses an assigned campus wide identification number (CWID) as the student’s account number. A student’s TitanCard number is not his or her identification number.
Students are required to write their student identification numbers (CWID) on personal checks submitted for any payment to the University. Payment by personal check is consent by the student for the University to write the student’s identification number on the check if it is not referenced. If a student prefers that his or her student identification number not be on the check, then the student must submit payment by cashier’s check, money order, or, when appropriate (other than mail-in or drop-off registration) and cash. Use of the student identification number assures credit to the correct student university account.
The stop-out policy allows undergraduate students and post-baccalaureate unclassified
non-credential students to be absent for one semester and maintain their continuing
student status. This includes election of catalog requirements for graduation and
eligibility to register for the next semester. Disqualified students, foreign visa
students, students on leaves approved for more than one year and students without
approved leaves who are absent for more than one semester must apply for readmission
should they wish to return to Cal State Fullerton.
Service members who are called to active duty or deployed should check with Veterans
Resource Center at (657) 278-2373.
The Center for Careers in Teaching (EC-379) is available to assist students who do not yet have a bachelor’s degree and are planning to become teachers. For further information call (657) 278-7130, email or go to
If you currently possess a bachelor’s degree you should attend a Credential Overview to learn more about each Teacher Education Credential Program. Overview schedules are available at
For information on purchasing textbooks, as well as other services available at Titan Shops visit or call 657-278-3418.
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex. The California State University does not discriminate based on sex in any educational programs or activities that the CSU operates, including admissions and employment. Any inquiries regarding the application of Title IX may be referred to the University Title IX Coordinator at:
A single copy of a transcript requires a fee of $4 paid in advance. (Additional transcripts
prepared at the same time are $2 each).
Because of the large number of transcripts requested at the end of each regular semester,
three weeks should be allowed for requests to be processed. At other times, transcript
requests are processed within 3-5 working days, as a general rule. Transcript request
forms are available online at and at Records Service Center (LH-114). Immediate, over-the-counter transcript service
cannot be provided.
Transcripts and Electronic PDF format may be ordered online 24/7 and paid for with your credit card through the National Student Clearinghouse. Current degree seeking students can access the National Student Clearinghouse via the student portal. Students without a secured student portal may access the service at
A maximum of 16 units may be taken during the entire summer term.
The Veterans Resource Center (VRC) serves military-connected students, including active duty, national/state guard, reservists, prior service members (veterans), and military families at California State University, Fullerton in successfully navigating the academic environment through, programs, guidance, support services, campus and community resources, and the certification of veterans’ and military-connected students’ educational benefit. The VRC is committed to offering comprehensive and personalized services within a unique learning environment that facilitates the student’s social and academic integration from admission to achieving their academic and professional goals.
CSUF matriculated students who are military veterans, reservists, and active-duty service members are eligible for priority registration of classes during their academic careers. Eligible CSUF students must provide proof of service (i.e. a DD-214 Member 4 Copy or current enlistment contract) to the Veterans Resource Center at Gordon Hall (GH) 244.
Military veterans, reservists, and active-duty service members will receive a priority registration date based on their official course registration date and class availability.
Veterans may obtain information concerning application for benefits, registration and adjustments in status from the Veterans Certification Official located in Veterans Resource Center (GH-244). New, returning and transfer student veterans should consult the Veterans Certification Official to complete the necessary documents to receive VA benefits.
Since walk-in office hours vary, please email us at or call 657-278- 2373 / 657-278-8660 for representative availability. You may also visit the website at for more information.
Vocational Rehabilitation Benefit paperwork must be turned into the Veteran Resource Center (GH-244) at least two weeks before the term begins. This office will coordinate your parking, books and tuition.
The Cal Vet Fee Waiver is only available to the dependent child spouse, or unmarried surviving spouse of a veteran who has a service-connected disability or is deceased. Submit the approval letter of authorization for the appropriate academic year to the Veteran Resource Center (GH-244) at least seven business days prior to your Titan registration appointment. The letter of authorization must be renewed annually. Please note that Cal-Vet Fee Waiver recipients are still responsible for paying campus-based fees, and the Cal-Vet Fee Waiver cannot be applied toward non-state supported offerings, such as Summer Session, Winter Session, and Open University. For more information, please contact the Veterans Resource Center at or call (657) 278- 2373 for questions/clarification.
Veterans who are attending their first semester at CSUF and who have submitted the appropriate paperwork to use their GI Bill benefits at this campus are eligible for a veteran fee deferment option. Please arrange for fee deferments with the Veteran Resource Center (GH-244) at least five business days prior to your Titan registration appointment.
For detailed information regarding student account policies and procedures, please go to the Student Business Services website
You may also contact the Student Business Services Office at or 657-278-2495.
The Veterans Resource Center has many programs aimed to assist student veterans navigate the transition to and throughout college. These include our lounge space, computer lab, peer mentoring, academic tutoring, Career Readiness Program, discussion and support groups, scholarships, support counseling, work-study and academic internships. Please contact the VRC for further information at (657) 278-8660 or Or visit the VRC office in GH-244.
A cornerstone of the California State University and higher education is the principle of one's individual freedom to learn, teach, work, think, and take part in their intellectual and career endeavors in a fulfilling, rewarding, safe, and healthy environment.
For decades, the health hazards of tobacco and second-hand smoke to individuals have been well studied and chronicled.
Further, studies have clearly demonstrated the acute health benefits, medical costs savings, and organizational costs savings when individuals quit smoking.
Thus, in order to provide the California State University's faculty, staff, students, guests and the public with campuses that support the principle of one's individual freedom to learn, teach, work, think and take part in their intellectual endeavors in a fulfilling, rewarding, safe and healthy environment, the creation and implementation of a "smoke and tobacco free" policy systemwide is necessary and welcome.
Campus Presidents or their designees shall have the responsibility for implementing the policy on their campuses with an implementation date of September 1, 2017.
The full text of CSU Executive Order 1108 may be found here
Undergraduate students are limited to a maximum of 18 units of withdrawal (“W” on transcript) during their CSUF career, from Fall 2009 forward. “W’s” earned prior to Fall 2009 will remain on the record but will not be counted toward the 18-unit limit. See Click on “Dropping or Withdrawing from a Course”.
University policy states that the symbol WU shall be assigned to a student who is enrolled in a class as of the census date*, but stops attending or participating, does not complete the course work and does not officially withdraw from the class. Students who discontinue course attendance without submitting an official approved withdrawal form online may result in a “WU” (Withdrawal Unauthorized) being assigned by the course professor. Please see the Registration Guide each term for the applicable census date.
*For winter session(s), the day after the drop deadline replaces the census date for purposes of application of this policy.
When a WU is assigned, the grading basis selected by the student at the time of registration for the course determines what displays on the student transcript:
In the first semester at CSUF that a WU is assigned to a student, any and all WU’s that are posted to the student record during the final grading period for that semester are automatically converted to a W during the grading cycle at the end of that term. The student is notified that this is a “one time only” provision. This auto-conversion will not occur in future semesters.
For future occurrences, students may petition for retroactive withdrawal from courses that have been assigned a WU or NC* by using the retroactive withdrawal petition process when serious and compelling circumstances occurred during the semester being petitioned. A serious and compelling reason is defined as a physical, medical, emotional or other condition which has the effect of limiting the student’s full participation in the class and which is clearly beyond the student’s control.
The Writing Center offers free tutorial help to university students. The Writing Center is located on the first floor of Pollak Library. To schedule an appointment, visit More information is available at
President’s Directive No. 17
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights
with respect to their educational records. They are:
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (“FERPA”) and California State University Executive Order 796 (“EO 796”) afford students the right to inspect and review their education records; request amendment of an education record believed to be in error or misleading; limit disclosure of personally identifiable information contained in an education record; and file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the University to comply with FERPA. Should a conflict arise between FERPA or EO 796 and this directive, FERPA or EO 796 will take precedent.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, 120 U.S.C. 1232g,
34 CFR 99, and CSU Executive Order 796.
This directive applies to the records of any student who is attending or has attended the University. They do not apply to records of applicants for admission who are denied acceptance or, if accepted, do not attend the University.
Reviewed and approved by President Milton A. Gordon
Date: March 17, 2011
General Education courses are required at CSUF as a necessary and integral part of your University education. They are the foundation on which each and every major is built, and have been specifically designed to provide exposure to current thinking and scholarship. Students’ success in the global socio-economic climate will be determined by the ability to research, analyze, and apply universally accepted principles in areas beyond those learned in their majors. These courses serve as the stepping stones to a lifetime of growth; personally, professionally and academically.
48-49 total units, including:
Please go to to view a list of current fees.
The CSU makes every effort to keep student costs to a minimum. Fees listed in published schedules or student accounts may need to be increased when public funding is inadequate. Therefore, CSU must reserve the right, even after fees are initially charged or initial fee payments are made, to increase or modify any listed fees. All listed fees, other than mandatory systemwide fees, are subject to change without notice, until the date when instruction for a particular semester or quarter has begun. All CSU listed fees should be regarded as estimates that are subject to change upon approval by The Board of Trustees, the Chancellor, or the Presidents, as appropriate. Changes in mandatory systemwide fees will be made in accordance with the requirements of the Working Families Student Fee Transparency and Accountability Act (Sections 66028 – 66028.6 of the Education Code).
Please go to to view a list of current fees.
Check TITAN Online for the date(s) on which you are eligible to register. For questions regarding your registration appointment, please contact Registration and Records at 657-278-7601. If you have any holds on your accounts, you must resolve them at least three (3) business days before registering.
Do not sign up for an Installment Payment Plan until after you register for classes, or your account will not calculate your fees correctly.
Registration Date | Payment Due Date | |
Titan A | March 14 – April 30, 2025 | May 2, 2025 |
Titan B | May 1 – 22, 2025 | May 22, 2025 |
PREPAY | Beginning May 23, 2025 | Due Prior to Enrollment |
Anticipated/Pending Financial Aid must be enough to cover all tuition and fees. If Anticipated/Pending Financial Aid is not enough, students will be required to pay the difference to avoid disenrollment from all classes.
Payments made online via the web are due by 11:30 PM on the due dates given by TITAN Online (Web Registration). In Person and mail-in payments are due by 5:00 PM on the date given by TITAN Online after registering.
If a government agency, embassy or other organization will pay your registration and tuition fees, you must submit a current letter of financial guarantee to University Extension at and Student Business Services at at least 3 business days prior to Your TITAN registration appointment. If this letter or voucher is not received prior to your registration appointment, you are responsible for paying your registration and tuition fees and may be subject to disenrollment if your payment is not received by the deadlines specified above.
Should a student or former student fail to pay a fee or a debt owed to the institution, the institution may “withhold permission to register, to use facilities for which a fee is authorized to be charged, to receive services, materials, food or merchandise or any combination of the above from any person owing a debt” until the debt is paid (see Title 5, California Code of Regulations, Sections 42380 and 42381).
Prospective students who register for courses offered by the university are obligated for the payment of fees associated with registration for those courses. Failure to cancel registration in any course for an academic term prior to the first day of the academic term gives rise to an obligation to pay student fees including any tuition for the reservation of space in the course.
The institution may withhold permission to register or other services offered by the institution from anyone owing fees or another debt to the institution. The institution may also report the debt to a credit bureau, offset the amount due against any future state tax refunds due the student, refer the debt to an outside collection agency and/or charge reasonable attorney fees if litigation is necessary.
If a person believes he or she does not owe all or part of an asserted unpaid obligation that person may contact Student Business Services. Student Business Services, or another office on campus to which Student Business Services may refer the person, will review all pertinent information provided by the person and available to the campus, and will advise the person of its conclusions.
Dropping classes may entitle you to a fee refund.
For further information, contact the Student Business Services Office or visit
For information about registration fee payment, visit
All personal checks submitted for any payment to the University by students must include their Campus Wide Identification number. (The TitanCard number is not the student identification number.) Payment by personal check is considered the individual’s approval for the University to write the CWID on the check if it is not already present. If you prefer that your CWID not be written on the check, then payment must be made by cashier’s check, money order, or cash (refer to “Registration Fee Payment Information” for more information). Your CWID is used to assure credit to the proper account. Applicants are required to include their correct social security numbers (taxpayer identification numbers) in designated places on applications for admission pursuant to the authority contained in Section 41201, Title 5, California Code of Regulations, and Section 6109 of the Internal Revenue Code. The University uses the social security number to identify students and their records including identifying the student for purposes of financial aid eligibility and disbursement and the repayment of financial aid and other debts payable to the institution. Also, the Internal Revenue Service requires the university to file information returns that include the student’s social security number and other information such as the amount paid for qualified tuition and related expenses. This information is used by the IRS to help determine whether a student, or a person claiming a student as a dependent, may take a credit or deduction to reduce federal income taxes.
A $25 fee will be charged for all checks or credit card payments returned by your
bank, for any reason. The dishonored check or credit card payment plus the $25 fee
must be paid with cash, cashier’s check or money order. If the dishonored check or
credit card was for payment of registration and tuition fees, the student may be subject
to disenrollment from classes.
Students who have two or more dishonored checks posted to their University account
(regardless of maker) will lose personal check-writing privileges with the University.
All subsequent payments to the University must be made with cashier’s check, money
order, or cash (refer to “Registration Fee Payment Information” for additional information).
Payments for previous semesters must be paid and all holds cleared prior to registration. (Refer to “Registration Fee Payment Information” for more information.)
Limited funds are available for summer enrollment. If you were enrolled through the main campus of CSUF during the fall 2024 and/or spring 2025 semester(s) and you did not receive the maximum annual Federal Pell Grant or Federal Loans, you may be eligible to receive the unused portion for your summer costs. If you have not used your lifetime maximum eligibility for Pell grant and are enrolled, you may be eligible for a summer Pell grant, even if you received your full Pell award for fall 2024 and spring 2025. A limited amount of grant funds (Summer Session Grant) are available for students whose Student Aid Index (SAI) for 2024-25 was 0 or less, who are matriculated in state-support programs for the academic year and taking self-support classes for summer with priority for seniors. See the section below under “Enrollment Requirements” for more details. Eligibility is contingent on your meeting eligibility criteria for each aid program. Students must meet SAP after spring 2025 in order to receive aid for summer 2025. Refer to SAP section.
If you are a continuing CSUF student, you must have a valid Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or California Dream Act (CDA) on file at CSUF. Your summer eligibility will be based on your 2024-25 FAFSA data. Federal loans will be available only if you have remaining annual loan eligibility after spring 2025.
There is no separate application that must be filed as summer aid eligibility is based on the student’s valid 2024-25 FAFSA or CDA data and any remaining eligibility for Pell Grant or loan funds. Students who are determined eligible for the Summer Session Grant will be notified of their eligibility via campus email. Students who have remaining loan eligibility (they have not borrowed their annual loan limit for 2024-25) should submit the Summer Loan Request Form located at the CSUF Financial Aid Office website. Complete procedures for summer aid are available beginning in March 2025 at the CSUF Financial Aid website
Minimum enrollment to receive a loan is six (6) units. Priority for Summer Session Grants will be given to students enrolled in a minimum of 6 units. Summer Session Grant funds will be awarded first to upper division students with priority given to seniors who meet the eligibility criteria.
At the completion of your TITAN registration, if your financial aid award is not yet determined or if it is insufficient to pay your full fees, you will be instructed of the amount due and the due date. If your financial aid award amount is sufficient to pay your fees in full, your fees will be paid automatically when your financial aid is disbursed.
In most cases, payment will be issued once your first summer session course has begun. If you have any funds remaining after your summer registration and tuition fees have been credited, a balance check or direct deposit will be issued to you.
If you receive a Federal Pell Grant for summer 2025 and you drop one or more classes before the end of the session, you may be required to repay part or all of the Federal Pell Grant funds you received. If you receive Federal Pell Grant or Federal Loan for summer 2025 and you withdraw from all courses before the 60% point of the term, we will calculate the portion of financial aid you “earned” based on the number of days you were enrolled. You may be required to repay a portion of the funds you received and the University may be required to refund a portion of your fees to one or more federal aid programs.
To maintain eligibility for financial aid, you must demonstrate satisfactory academic progress by completing the courses in which you enroll and earning a passing grade in each course. Refer to the Satisfactory Academic Progress policy available on the web at You must meet SAP after spring 2025, in order to receive summer aid for 2025.
For detailed information on parking policies, maps of parking lots, and much more visit the Parking & Transportation Services website at Contact the P&TS Team Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 pm by calling (657) 278-3082 or submitting an in Inquiry Form.
Academic Appeals | Academic Appeals Office | LH-805 | 3836 |
ADA | Disability Support Services | GH-101 | 3117 |
Add or Drop of Class | See Registration Guide | Registration pages | 7601 |
Address Change/Titan Online Student Center | | ||
Admissions/Applications | Admissions | LH-111 | 3100 |
Advisement: General Education/Undeclared Major | Academic Advising Center | PLN-1 | 3606 |
Advisement: Declared Majors | Major Department | See Academic Adv. Section | |
Advisement: Disqualification/Reinstatement | Open University Advising | CP-950 | |
Advisement: Future Teachers: undeclared and all majors | Center for Careers in Teaching | EC-379 | 7130 |
Athletic Tickets | Athletic Ticket Office | Titan House | 2783 |
Child Care | Children's Center | CC-201 | 2961 |
Counseling: Career | Career Development & Counseling Center | LH-208 | 3121 |
Counseling: Personal | Counseling and Psychological Services | SHCC-East 116 | 3040 |
Degree Application/Diploma: Orders | Office of the Registrar - Evaluations | LH-114 | 2300 |
Degree Evaluation, Undergraduate | Office of the Registrar - Evaluations | LH-114 | 2300 |
Disability Support Services | Disability Support Services | GH-101 | 3117 |
Discrimination,/Harassment | Human Resources, Diversity and Inclusion | CP-700 | 8454 |
Discrimination/Harassment: Title IX and Gender Equity | Title IX and Gender Equity | CP-205 | 2121 |
Disqualification/Reinstatement | Open University Advising | CP-950 | |
Emergency Messages (Student) | Campus Police | UPD | 2515 |
Employment: Business, Educational, Government, Industry, Minority Relations, Student (Part-Time) | Career Development & Counseling Center | LH-208 | 3121 |
Employment: Staff | Human Resources, Diversity and Inclusion | CP-700 | 2425 |
Enrollment Verification: Duplicate I.D. Card | TitanCard Office | PLS-140 | 3555 |
Enrollment Verification: Enrollment Verification Certificate | National Student Clearinghouse | | 703-742-4200 |
Enrollment Verification: Fee Receipt | Student Business Services | GH-180 (outside window) | 2495 |
Enrollment Verification: Letter Request | Office of the Registrar | LH-114 | 7601 |
Extension Class Information | University Extension | CP-950 | 2611 |
Evaluations/General Education | Admissions | LH-111 | 3100 |
Financial Aid | Financial Aid | GH-146 | 3125 |
Foreign Student: Advisement | Major Department | See Academic Adv. Section | |
Foreign Student: Permits to Register | International Student & Scholar Services | THALL-1123 | 2787 |
Graduate Studies | Graduate Studies Office | | 2618 |
Graduation Requirements (Undergraduate) | Office of the Registrar - Evaluations | LH-114 | 2300 |
Gymnasium Use and Hours | Recreation Office | KHS-159 | 3978 |
Health Insurance | Titan Student Union | Lobby | 7739 |
Health Services | Student Wellness, Health Services | SHCC-West | 2800 |
Housing | Housing & Resident Life | Cobb Residence Hall | 2168 |
Immunization Requirement | Student Wellness, Health Services | SHCC-West | 2800 |
Internships and Service-Learning | Center for Internships & Community Engagement | LH-206 | 3746 |
Library Information | Pollak Library | Direction Desk | 2633 |
Name Change | Office of the Registrar | LH-114 | 7601 |
Open University | University Extension | THALL-1403 | 2611 |
Organizations & Clubs | Student Life & Leadership | TSU-234 | 7622 |
Outreach Services | University Outreach | LH-540 | 2086 |
Parking: Fees, Information, and Transportation Options | Parking and Transportation Services | | 3082 |
Readmission | Admissions | LH-111 | 3100 |
Records (Student) | Office of the Registrar | LH-114 | 7601 |
Recreational Facilities | Recreation Office | KHS-159 | 3978 |
Registration Fees | Student Business Services | GH-180 (outside window) | 2495 |
Residency | Admission | LH-111 | 3100 |
Scholarships | Financial Aid | GH-146 | 3125 |
Sexual Assault, Prevention and Survivor Services | CSUF Student Wellness, Violence Prevention Program | SHCC-West | 2800 |
University Police Department | UPD-102 | 2515 or 911 | |
Student Academic Services (EOP/SAA/Retention) | Student Academic Services Office | GH-143 | 2288 |
Student Health Services | Student Health Services | SHCC-West | 2800 |
Swimming Pool | Recreation Office | KHS-159 | 3978 |
Test Information | Testing Services | GH-229 | 3838 |
TitanMed | Titan Health, TitanMed | SHCC-West | 2800 |
Transcripts | Office of the Registrar | LH-114 | 7601 |
National Student Clearinghouse | | 703-742-4200 | |
Tutoring | Writing Center | PLN 1st Floor | 3650 |
Veterans Certification | Veterans Resource Center | GH-244 | 8660/2373 |
Women’s Center | Diversity Initiatives and Resource Centers | PLS-180 | 4391 |
The information below is intended to assist students in understanding the class schedule
available at
MoTuWeThFr | Class meets daily except Saturday and Sunday |
MoWeFr | Class meets Monday, Wednesday, and Friday |
TuTh | Class meets Tuesday and Thursday |
Th | Class meets Thursday |
Sa | Class meets Saturday |
Su | Class meets Sunday |
TBA | Class time to be arranged; see department office for details concerning meeting |
CP | College Park |
CPAC | Clayes Performing Arts Center (formerly PA) |
CS | Computer Science |
DBH | Dan Black Hall |
E | Engineering |
EC | Education Classroom |
GH | Milton A. Gordan Hall (formerly University Hall) |
H | Humanities, Social Sciences |
KHS | Kinesiology and Public Health |
LH | William B. Langsdorf Hall |
MH | Miles D. McCarthy Hall |
MOD | Modular Complex |
PL | Pollak Library |
RGC | Ruby Gerontology Center |
SGMH | Steven G. Mihaylo Hall |
SHCC | Student Health & Counseling Center |
THALL | Titan Hall |
UP | University Police |
VA | Visual Arts |
Lec | Lecture |
Lab | Laboratory |
Sem | Seminar |
Act | Activity |
Sup | Supervision |
Dis | Discussion |
A+ | Outstanding | 4.0 |
A | 4.0 | |
A- | 3.7 | |
B+ | 3.3 | |
B | Good | 3.0 |
B- | 2.7 | |
C+ | 2.3 | |
C | Acceptable | 2.0 |
C- | 1.7 | |
D+ | 1.3 | |
D | Poor | 1.0 |
D- | 0.7 | |
F | Failing | 0.0 |
An average GPA of at least 3.0 based on all courses attempted to satisfy requirements for the master’s degree. This average applies to:
For undergraduate students,“Credit” is awarded for work equivalent to all grades which earn 2.0 or more grade points (“A plus” thru “C”). “No Credit” is awarded for work equivalent to all grades which earn less than 2.0 grade points (“C minus” thru “F”).
For graduate students,“Credit” is awarded for work equivalent to all grades which earn 3.0 or more grade points (“A plus” thru “B”). “No Credit” is awarded for work equivalent to all grades which earn less than 3.0 grade points (“B minus” thru “F”).
In determining transfer admissibility, the transcripts of applicants for admission will be evaluated and grade point average(s) calculated based on the grade points assigned by the CSUF grading policy, e.g. a grade of “B plus” awarded at Cypress College will be calculated for admissions purposes as being worth 3.3 grade points per semester units.
Plus and minus grading will have no effect upon the admissions applicability of community college coursework that has been general education “certified” by California community college(s) as per CSU Executive Order 1100.
Waitlisting is available to all colleges. If a course is full, you may try to obtain a place in the class by getting on the waitlist. As space in the class becomes available, your name will advance on the waitlist. If enough students drop the course, you may be automatically enrolled from the waitlist. Please review How Waitlisting Works and Waitlist Restrictions.
The registration process for students who are officially admitted to CSUF is different than the process for students who are not admitted to the university. Continuing admitted CSUF students will register through their Student Homepage; whereas, non-CSUF students will register through Open University through the University Extension office.
Use your student credentials (i.e. CSUF username and passord) to access Titan Online through the Student Portal. Then, go to Student Homepage and select Manage Classes. View this video for registration steps See above for enrollment date availability.
If you are not officially admitted to CSUF in the summer 2025 term you can register beginning April 1, 2025 through Open University at This includes transfer students admitted for fall 2025.
Be prepared to pay your course fees on the day of registration. Payment must be made on the day of registration. Please refer to "Registration Fee payment information" for more information.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Students are subject to disenrollment if payment is not received on the day of registration.
Check Titan Online for your registration appointment date/time and for any holds on your record. All holds must be cleared three business days prior to your TITAN registration appointment. You will access registration via your student portal.
A “one-time use” Personal Identification Number (PIN) is assigned to you, which is a 6-digit number. After accessing your Student Portal with the PIN, you will be asked to create a password. This password will be used for Student Portal access including registration throughout your enrollment at CSUF. If you need assistance with your username or password, select the “need help logging in?” link immediately below the “Log In” button on the CSUF Portal Login webpage.
Appointment dates and times for registration are based on class level and on units earned for all participants. The date indicated on Titan Online represents the first date you can access Titan Online to enroll in classes. If you attempt to register before your assigned date and time, you will not be granted access.
Any holds will be listed on Titan Online Student Center. All holds must be cleared three business days prior to your TITAN registration appointment.
If a class for which you have registered is cancelled by the department, you will receive an email notification at your CSUF email address. You may attempt to add another class during TITAN registration on or after your appointment time.
If grading for a course is listed as “Undergraduate Student Option”, the course can be taken either for a letter grade (A,B,C,D) or as credit/ no credit. If no option is chosen, the course will default to letter grade. Certain faculty designated courses may solely be taken as graded or as credit/no credit. To change the option from letter grade to Credit/No Credit or from Credit/No Credit to a letter grade, use the pull down menu under “Grading” at the time you enroll in the class. . The deadline for grade option changes is published on Important Dates and Deadlines.pdf of the Registration Guide.
Some courses have course prerequisites (see Class Notes in the online class schedule) which, if not met, will result in your being unable to register for the course or being dropped by the instructor.
Some courses have course corequisites (see Class Notes in the online class schedule). You must register for the corresponding corequisite during the same registration transaction. Failure to do so may result in you being disenrolled from the course.
Some courses have test score prerequisites which, if not met, will result in you being unable to register for the course. For more information, go to
Use the provided link in Titan Online to purchase a parking permit.
Refer to the Financial Aid Section of the registration guide
Contact the Disability Support Services Office (GH-101) if you need assistance with registration.
Contact the Athletic Department Titan House-014 or call (657) 278-5218 at least three (3) business days prior to your TITAN registration appointment to confirm your eligibility.
Contact the Disability Support Services Office (GH-101) if you need assistance with registration. For additional information, call 657-278-3112.
Submit an authorization or a purchase order from your employer to the EIP Student Services Office (THALL-1403) at least three (3) business days prior to your TITAN registration appointment.
Students can now plan their schedule from anywhere with TITAN Scheduler! Students will be able to find the best schedule with streamlined class searches, visual schedule previewing, side by side comparisons and flexibility around planned breaks. Students can bring multiple schedules up side-by-side and compare options. The schedule planner provides a “Breaks” feature to allow students to block off times they are unable to take class, such as for jobs or athletics. Advisors can now focus on which courses students need to take, rather than the individual times in which to take them, alleviating advisors of tedious scheduling for students. There is a video tutorial in Titan Online as well as additional “help” resources available within TITAN Scheduler. Please note that class schedule information will be available in Titan Scheduler when the schedule is formally released to the campus and will not be available prior to that. Students need to simply access the TITAN Scheduler link from their Portal to begin optimizing their schedule today!
Payment must be made by payment due date. Please refer to the fee payment information.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Students are subject to disenrollment if payment is not received by the payment due date.
Please go to to review the refund policies.
Please refer to the Financial Aid section.
Waitlisting is available to all colleges. If a course is full, you may try to obtain a place in the class by getting on the waitlist. As space in the class becomes available, your name will advance on the waitlist. If enough students drop the course, you may be automatically enrolled from the waitlist.
Students will be moved from the waitlist into the class if space becomes available, and in the order placed, unless any of the following restrictions apply:
If you cannot be moved from the waitlist, for any of the reasons given above, you will be skipped and the next student considered. You will not be reconsidered until the next time space becomes available in the class. Check your schedule regularly in your Titan Online Student Center to monitor your position on a waitlist. If you decide you no longer wish to wait for space to become available, you should drop yourself from a waitlist.
Cal-Vet Fee Waiver (College Fee Waiver) - The Cal-Vet Fee Waiver cannot be applied toward Winter Session, Open University or Extended Education fees. The Cal-Vet Fee Waiver only covers state-supported tuition, and none of those programs are state supported. For questions or clarification, please contact the Veterans Resource Center at (657) 278-2373 and/or visit their website:
Veteran Fee Deferment Option - Only veterans who are matriculated students at CSUF and who are receiving GI Bill
benefits are eligible. Please arrange for fee deferments with the Veterans Resource
Center (GH-244) at least three (3) business days prior to your Titan registration
Disabled Students - Contact the Disability Support Services Office (GH-101) if you
need assistance with registration. For additional information, call (657) 278-3112.
Private Company Scholars - Submit an authorization or a purchase order from your employer to the EIP Student Services Office (CP-950) at least three (3) business days prior to your TITAN registration appointment.
Payment Procedure – Be prepared to pay your course fees at the time of registration. Payment must be made by payment due date. Please refer to page 16-17 for fee payment information.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Students are subject to disenrollment if payment is not received by the payment due date.
Refunds - Please go to to view the refund policies.
Registration Problems/Questions - If you need assistance with registration, please call the TITAN Help Line (657) 278-7601.
March 21, 2025 through session deadline (includes drop/add)
Varies based on session start date (see the Important Dates and Deadlines.pdf).
You can add classes in sessions that haven’t begun, drop classes prior to published deadline, view available classes and the fee amount due.
Helpline hours are Monday - Friday 8a.m. - 5p.m
Once registration begins for a particular class level, students in that level may continue to register or change their program until the published registration deadline on the Important Dates and Deadlines .pdf for the appropriate class session.
Note: Class levels (i.e., senior, junior, etc.) are determined by the total number of units earned as currently reflected on your CSUF transcript and units enrolled in at CSUF for fall 2024. This prioritization applies only to those students who are currently officially admitted to CSUF. Transfer work that has not been evaluated or posted to your CSUF transcript cannot be used to calculate class level for this purpose.
Before registering for classes, please read the following instructions carefully.
A student, whose academic record justifies a study list of more than 16 units, must request approval. In general, only students with superior academic records are allowed to enroll for more than 16 units. In addition, the need to enroll for extra study must be established. Factors such as time spent in employment or commuting, the nature of the academic program, extracurricular activities and the student’s health should be considered in planning a study program.
A Request For Excess Units form is available online March 24 - May 9, 2025 at
Late registration is defined as registration that occurs on or after the first day of the session. Late registration requires an electronic permit from the department, payment of a late registration fee, and immediate payment of fees. Non-admitted students enrolling through Open University requires permission from the instructor and department via electronic process. Late Add Requests will not be accepted during summer session.
More information about Open University can be found at:
When classes meet the established enrollment limit, they are closed. You may waitlist a course if the option is available (see Waitlist). Additional enrollments can be accepted into a closed class only with an electronic permit from the department. Non-admitted students enrolling through Open University require approvals from the instructor and department to register into a closed or waitlisted section. Enrollment is processed based on space availability.
If a student decides not to continue enrollment in a class, either before or after instruction begins, it is the student’s responsibility to follow and complete the appropriate procedures for dropping the class.
Deadlines for adding/dropping classes and refund of fees are published on Important Dates and Deadlines.pdf of this registration guide.
If you are having problems with registration, please call the TITAN Help Line (657) 278-7601: Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM.
Office of the Registrar Service Center Hours are Monday – Friday from 8:00am to 5:00pm.
Walk-ins are limited from 8:00am to 3:00pm on Fridays (only), but our office remains open until 5:00pm for phone calls.
Registrants through Open University should call University Extension at (657) 278-2611 or visit
The Cal State Fullerton Department of Mathematics offers a graduate program in applied computational mathematics leading to the Master of Science degree. This program was developed in consultation with mathematicians and scientists in the local industrial community. It is designed for individuals who are seeking or currently hold positions which involve mathematical or quantitative applications.
The coursework emphasizes:
All required courses are offered during the evening and can be completed in four semesters plus a summer in between. There are a minimal number of prerequisites, which must be completed before beginning the program. A cohort begins every Fall. Apply at GRE scores and letters of recommendations are not required. Financial aid and assistantships are available.
To receive more information, visit or call the Mathematics Department at (657) 278-3631.
The summer break is a great time to earn credit, get closer to graduation and experience the world.
Below are the requirements to register to vote and the guidelines for how to vote.