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CSUF Campus is Closed for the holidays December 24, 2024 through January 1, 2025. We will resume responding to requests upon our return on January 2, 2025 at 8 a.m.

Course Information

Part two of Computer Applications for Crime and Intelligence Analysis looks deeper into statistical analysis using Microsoft Excel. Students will learn to create various types of charts and graphs. They will use pivot tables & conditional formatting and discover the top ten formulas used in law enforcement analysis. The class will also cover report utilities such as Crystal Reports and discuss automation and how to build real-time analytical tools from commonly collected data.

Please note: Students must register no later than 3 business days (the Wednesday) prior to the course start date.
If you missed the registration window or have any questions, please contact UE Student Services at eipconnect@fullerton.edu .


Computer Applications for Crime and Intelligence Analysis I

1 Course sections available Please note: Note: Click on the schedule number (i.e. E125-11103) to view more course information.
Schedule # Days Date Time Location Fee Register
E255-11499 SuSat 07/12/25-07/13/25 8:00am-5:00pm Virtual Instruction $530.00 Register Now
Sat 07/19/25-07/19/25 8:00am-5:00pm Virtual Instruction
Instructor: B. Gray, Director of Training, Law Enforcement Intelligence Units (LEIU) Association; Retired Central Crime Analysis Unit Manager at Riverside County Sheriff's Department

Unit(s): 2.40
Notes: In addition to the virtual class sessions, students will also be required to complete coursework asynchronously (on their own time).