The Continuing Education Unit (CEU) is a nationally recognized uniform unit of measurement to record individual participation in non-credit academic, professional development educational and training programs. It is based upon attendance in non-degree non-credit academic classes of continuing professional education programs sponsored by organizations following the guidelines established by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET).
The hour equivalency for reporting education and training to professional and state licensing organizations is: ten (10) hours of instruction = 1.0 CEU or one (1) hour of instruction = 0.1 CEU.
The primary purpose of the CEU is to provide a permanent record of the educational accomplishments of an individual who has completed significant non-credit educational and career enhancement experiences. The CEU is also used for licensed professionals such as nurses, engineers, fiduciaries, social workers, etc., who are required to submit proof of continuing education and professional development activity in order to maintain their license.
For organizations to award CEUs, they must follow the criteria and guidelines set forth by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET), 1620 I Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006.
Attendance Policy - CEU Classes
Letter Grades
Cal State Fullerton Extension does not issue official letter grades for non-credit and CEU classes. Instead, we will provide each student with a letter grade equivalent by email approximately 7-10 days after the class ends. To report a missing letter grade equivalent, please e-mail
The unofficial letter grade will be the only written notification you receive. To check your unofficial transcript, you can do this by accessing your Student Center. To request an official transcript, visit CSUF Registration and Records. See our "Transcripts" section for more information about the process.
Extension Credit Classes
Extension credit classes have an “X” in front of the class number (e.g., PSYC X405) listed below the course title. Up to 24 Extension credit units may apply as electives toward an undergraduate degree at California State University, Fullerton. With prior approval from a graduate advisor, up to nine units may apply toward a graduate degree. Additional units may apply to graduate degrees requiring more than 30 units. If you have any questions, please consult your graduate advisor.
Grading Policy
CSUF has given its faculty the option of using the plus/minus grading system. Instructors use either letter grades or administrative symbols to evaluate and report all course credit work. There are three university grading options:
NOTE: Credits toward a major, minor or general education requirement are to be taken under Option 1. Only 36 "credit/no-credit" (Option 2) units may be applied toward a bachelor's degree.
For additional information regarding grading policies, refer to the CSUF catalog which is available at the Titan Bookstore.
Extension Credits/Student Inquiry Form
If you want to apply extension credits toward a CSUF degree, fill out a Student Record Inquiry form and apply to have the units considered as part of your course work. This form is available at Registration and Records (Langsdorf Hall 114).
Attendance requirements to receive CEU credit:
Grading Policy - CEU Classes
One CEU is awarded for every ten contact hours of participation; fewer than ten hours are shown as fractional CEUs. Instructors award a grade of "CR" (credit) or “NC” (no credit) on the basis of attendance, participation and satisfactory completion of assignments. Only this "CR" or "NC" grade will display on the student's transcript.
CSUF Extension reserves the right to cancel, postpone or combine classes. Classes may be canceled if fewer than the required number of students enroll. We make every effort to avoid canceling classes, however, Extension receives no state or public funding and must require registration minimums necessitated by the nature of operating on a self-supporting basis.
If a class is canceled, a full refund will be issued. You may select to transfer the fees from the canceled class to another class if you do so within two days of the cancellation.
To be eligible for a certificate in an Extension program, candidates must earn a passing grade in all required classes for that program with verified attendance and successful completion of all assignments, projects and exams.
Some programs have requirements in addition to successful completion of all classes. Before submitting a Study Plan/Request for Certificate refer back to the Eligibility information for your specific program.
Students are required to complete and submit a Request for Certificate after they finish their last class in the certificate program. Submission of this online form initiates the processing of the certificate. If you need assistance submitting this form online, please email or call 657-278-2611.
Please be advised, students will not receive a certificate until after this form is submitted and after EIP verification of successful completion of all certificate requirements.
If you need to drop a class, you may do so by emailing Extension Student Services at or by phone at 657-278-2611. Dropping a class is not available online. The day that you drop a class, in person or by phone, is the official date of withdrawal and determines the amount of refund, if any, you may receive. (See our Refund Policies for additional information.)
You will need to create your Username and Password prior to accessing any California State University, Fullerton computer and/or to access the CSUF Portal and our online Learning Management Systems (Moodle/Canvas). Here's how it works:
If you have questions or have not been successful in obtaining your Username and Password, please contact Extension Student Services at 657-278-2611.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their educational records. For more information, go to
Late registration (credit classes) | $25 |
Grade option change (credit classes) | $10 |
Dishonored/returned Check, or refuted credit card payment | $25 |
** Fees subject to change.
See detailed information at
CSUF Extension provides information that may assist students to participate in a variety of student private loan programs. The lenders listed below are provided as guidance to borrowers only. You are not required to select a lender from this list. The choice of a lender and guarantor is a decision and responsibility you must make as the borrower. Extension does not endorse or have an affiliation with any of the organizations below. Please contact the lenders for further information about their private student loan programs.
Financial Links
CSUF School Code: #001137
Out-of-state students planning to register for an online program at California State University, Fullerton are asked to review Additional information regarding State Authorization can also be found at
Non-California Residents
Due to state and federal regulations, non-California residents may only enroll in CSUF online courses when their state has authorized CSUF as a provider. Click here for more information.
Information on parking policies, maps of parking lots, and more can be found on the Parking and Transportation Services website.
Parking & Transportation is located at the north end of campus, near Lot A-faculty/staff, north of the University Police Department. The office can be accessed off of State College Blvd.
Parking and Transportation Services
800 N. State College Blvd.
T-1400, Fullerton, CA 92831
Phone: 657.278.3082
Titan Bookstore Location:
Commons Building
Cal State Fullerton Campus
Two Ways to Order:
Questions? If you have a question or a problem ordering a book online, call web order fulfillment at 657-278-4992 or email
In keeping with our commitment to lifelong learning, scholarships may be available to students who are enrolled in, or planning to enroll in an Extension certificate program.
The CSUF Extension Scholarship
This scholarship award honors the achievements and commitment to continuing learning of students in any Extension certificate program. The maximum award is $400. Funding for this scholarship comes from the Extension Tuition Assistance Fund, which was created from contributions of Extension employees to CSUF's It's Our University program.
The Sherrie Ellman Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship award honors the achievements and commitment to continuing learning of students in the Professional Fiduciary Management Certificate program. It is supported by a fund created in memory of Sherrie Ellman, who understood the need for well-trained, dedicated people to work with older adults. Scholarships are awarded up to a maximum of $300.
The Scholarship Award Process
CSUF Extension Scholarship Committee
P.O. Box 6870
Fullerton, CA 92834-6870
Extension-Admin. CP-950
Extension Scholarship Committee
Extension students may obtain a library courtesy card by presenting an Extension fee receipt or by using their TitanCard (see "TitanCard"). You may contact Pollak Library at
Disabled Student Services
Disabled persons requiring assistance from the university may contact Disabled Student Services at
Veteran's Benefits
Persons eligible for Veteran's benefits can contact the Veterans Resource Center at
Environmental Health and Safety
For environmental health and safety services and policies, please see
Student I.D. Number
Students receive a campus wide identification number, which is not their social security number. This student identification number will be used to identify all records pertaining to the student. If you have lost or misplaced your CWID, go to
Social Security Number
Students are required to provide the University with their correct social security number (individual taxpayer identification numbers) pursuant to the authority contained in Section 41201, Title 5, California code of Regulations, and Section 6109 of the Internal Revenue Code. The university uses the social security number to identify records pertaining to the student and, if needed, to collect debts owed to the University.
Also, the Internal Revenue Service requires the University to file information returns that include the student's social security number and other information. Students who do not have a social security number at the time of enrollment will be required to obtain a social security number and submit it to the university within 60 days. Failure to furnish a correct social security number may result in the imposition of a penalty by the Internal Revenue Service. See "Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997" for additional information.
How do I get a PIN?
The first time you register for a class with Extension at California State University, Fullerton, you will receive a Personal Identification Number (PIN) by email. Use this number in combination with your student ID to customize your account and gain access to your information on (where you can look up grades, units, classes taken, etc.).
Extension students who lose or misplace a PIN, you may go to CSUF admitted students need to contact Registration and Records (Langsdorf Hall 114) in person to obtain their PIN.
Please consult a tax professional for details. You may also visit the Internal Revenue Service at
The TitanCard is the official identification card issued by the University to students, faculty, staff, or other authorized individuals for the sole purpose of identification and access to campus facilities, services, and activities. The card identifies your primary affiliation with the campus and not temporary or seasonal affiliations. Statuses are generated by the campus student system (PeopleSoft) and/or by Human Resources.
For more information, go to
Official Transcripts
Transcripts may be ordered one of two ways:
For more information, go to
Unofficial Transcripts
Unofficial transcripts are available through Titan Online via the Student Portal. The first time a student accesses the portal, they should login using their CWID and PIN. Once they login, they will create a personalized username and password that will be required each time they access the portal.
Note: All official transcripts are handled through Registration and Records, including those for Extension classes.
To check your unofficial transcript, you can do this by accessing your Student Center. To request an official transcript, visit CSUF Registration and Records. See "Transcripts" for more information on the process.
The California State University, Fullerton Police Department is located on campus, at the corner of State College Blvd. and Gymnasium Drive. The University Police Department is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including holidays.
In the event of an emergency, dial 911 from any campus phone, cell phone, or a blue emergency phone. For non-emergency situations, call 657-278-2515. For general information, lost property, fingerprinting and key requests, call 657-278-4308.
Please visit for information on the following services:
Crime Statistics: Each year, CSUF compiles and distributes a report containing statistics of crimes reported on or near the campus, as well as statements of security policies. For a copy of this report, please visit or contact the University Police Department.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
We are in compliance with the ADA. On the California State University, Fullerton campus, the Office of Disabled Student Services has been delegated the authority to certify disabilities and to prescribe specific accommodations for students with documented disabilities. For more information on ADA, please visit If you require ADA accommodation, please request your needs in writing at least 30 days prior to the beginning of class. Contact Disabled Student Services at or 657-278-3112 for additional information.
Nondiscrimination/Harassment/Retaliation Policies
California State University, Fullerton is committed to creating an atmosphere in which all students have the right to participate fully in its programs and activities free from unlawful discrimination, harassment and retaliation. CSU Executive Orders 1095-1098 are implemented in order to ensure compliance. These documents can be found at
All Discrimination/Harassment/Sexual Harassment/Title IX Complaints
Executive Director for Civil Rights and Title IX Coordinator
Student Disability Complaints
DSS supports students in their right to file a complaint when they believe they have been denied equal access in the form of accommodations, modifications, auxiliary aids, effective communication or experience discriminatory harassment as described in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990. For information on Dispute Resolution Procedure, visit the website.
Christian Abson, Director - Disability Support Services
California State University, Fullerton
800 N. State College Blvd., GH-101
Fullerton, CA 92832
U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights Region IX
San Francisco Office
Office for Civil Rights
U.S. Department of Education
50 United Nations Plaza
Mail Box 1200, Room 1545
San Francisco, CA 94102
Telephone: 415-486-5555
FAX: 415-486-5570
Applicants for admissions or employment should contact the Office of Human Resources and Inclusive Excellence for information on how to file a complaint or to obtain a copy of the complaint resolution procedure refer to
Applicants for admissions or employment should contact the Office of Human Resources and Inclusive Excellence for information on how to file a complaint or to obtain a copy of the complaint resolution procedure refer to
Sexual Harassment
It is the policy of California State University, Fullerton and the California State University to maintain a working and learning environment free from sexual harassment of its students, employees and those who apply for student or employee status. Sexual harassment is illegal under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1962, Title IX of the Higher Education Amendments of 1972, and the California Education Code 89535. Executive Order 1089 - Systemwide Policy on Prohibiting Harassment in Employment and Retaliation for Reporting Harassment or Participating in a Harassment Investigation as well as Executive Order 1074 Systemwide Policy Prohibiting Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation Against Students AND Systemwide Procedure for Handling Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation Complaints by Students Against the CSU and/or CSU Employees also prohibit sexual harassment within the California State University system. The university will not tolerate sexual harassment and will take action to eliminate such behavior. Information concerning campus sexual harassment policies and procedures can be obtained from the Office of Human Resources and Inclusive Excellence (College Park 760) at 657-278-4684 or
Sexual Assault Preventions and Survivor Services
California State University, Fullerton Sexual Assault Prevention and Survivor Services provide educational programs to students, faculty and staff with emphasis on bystander intervention and alcohol’s role and effective communication techniques. Aftercare for assaulted students includes non-forensic medical care, advocacy and accompaniment, professional counseling services, academic advocacy and housing intervention as needed. For additional information, please go to or contact the WoMen's Center at or 657-278-3928.
Smoking is prohibited in any California State University, Fullerton building, and in outdoor areas within 20 feet of any CSUF building. Questions? Visit
Non-credit, Continuing Education Unit (CEU), and Extension credit (e.g. MKT X431) classes are open to the public and most of these classes do not have degree requirements. Enrollment and participation in these types of courses does not constitute admission to California State University, Fullerton as a matriculated student.
There are some non-state-funded (termed “special session programs”) degree programs listed in this catalog that are administered through University Extension. Because these programs do not receive state-tax dollars to subsidize tuition costs, tuition prices are similar to those of a private academic institution, and matriculation in these programs is distinctly different from matriculation in one of the University's state-funded degree programs.
Students must apply to these “special session programs” and meet all of the admission requirements as stated for each program by the Academic Unit sponsoring the program. Students earn the same accredited degree from the University as they would from an equivalent state-funded degree offering.