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CSUF Campus is Closed for the holidays December 24, 2024 through January 1, 2025. We will resume responding to requests upon our return on January 2, 2025 at 8 a.m.

Course Information

A fiduciary who assumes the role of a trustee managing a trust has only the responsibility of acting on behalf of the beneficiary as defined and outlined within the trust document. This course identifies normal business practices that are used and required as to the management of assets during normal course and scope of the duties set forth by the trust for the trustee. In class discussions participants will review case studies that could be factors in decisions required of the trustee. Topics will also include a detailed review, but not a legal interpretation, of the law as it pertains to the duties of a trustee.

Please note: Students are welcome to register for these courses through the first Wednesday following the start date of each course, provided that the course has not reached full capacity.
If you missed the registration window or have any questions, please contact UE Student Services at eipconnect@fullerton.edu.


Standards and Practices in Professional Fiduciary Management

1 Course sections available Please note: Note: Click on the schedule number (i.e. E125-11103) to view more course information.
Schedule # Days Date Time Location Fee Register
E253-21529 04/07/25-05/11/25 Online Online-Variable $500.00 Register Now
Instructor: M. Cain

Unit(s): 1.50
Please be advised that a username and password will be required to access online and computer lab classes. If you have never logged into the CSUF Portal, you must log in with your CWID and temporary PIN# at http://my.fullerton.edu to update your profile prior to the first day of class. This process will allow you to create a CSUF user name and password, which are required to take online classes or use computer labs. Please select "Policies" from the Current Students drop-down list, and click on "Computer Access" for more information. If you have questions, please contact EIP Student Services at eipconnect@fullerton.edu or (657) 278-2611.

Recommended: 1. Recommended: "McGovern California Probate Code Annotated," (latest edition). ISBN number 9780314694478. The annotated version is preferred because of the footnotes. You can also obtain a hard copy of the code without annotations through Thomson Reuters: https://legalsolutions.thomsonreuters.com/law-products/Statutes/McGovern--Hirsch-California-Probate-Code-Annotated-2018-ed-California-Desktop-Codes/p/104290591 You may also search by topic or code at http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/ or http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codesTextSearch.xhtml