Teach for University Extension

We are always looking for instructors who are experienced in their field and have a passion for educating others.


Our Professional Development instructors are expert practitioners who use their real-world experiences to help our students make immediate improvements in their workplace or equip them for a new career.

While each certificate program may have specific qualifications, in general our instructors are:

  • Practicing professionals with proven skills and a passion for what they do
  • Educated in their field
  • Experienced instructors (though teacher credentials are not required)


Our programs are designed for working professionals, so classes are offered almost exclusively in the evenings, weekends or online (i.e., teaching will not be required during traditional working hours). Instructor responsibilities include:

  • Developing curriculum for their program
  • Lecturing and facilitating classroom discussion
  • Grading and providing substantive feedback to student work

Note: Online program instructors may be responsible for leading online discussions and maintaining online forums.

EIP Instructor Application

To apply to become an instructor, please fill out the form below and provide a copy of your resume.