B.A. in Sociology

California State University, Fullerton

Program Schedule

Woman holding a small planner with notes and highlighted dates

You can finish Cal State Fullerton’s online Bachelor of Sociology degree on a pace of three years.

The program consists of 17 total classes. Each class lasts 8 weeks (summer classes last 5 weeks), and you take one class at a time — ideal for employed students. Classes are scheduled back-to-back in the fall and spring, and there is some slight overlap in the summer.

You will go through the program with a cohort, giving you the opportunity to build relationships and a professional network. Since all classes and exams are online, you have no commute, and can study anywhere and anytime.

Program Schedule
Term Course Dates Weeks Course Course Title Units
Year 1 Fall 8 SOCI 308 Writing for Sociology Students

Writing for Sociology Students

Composition, sources of information and sociological writing for different audiences. Satisfies the classroom portion of the upper-division writing requirement for sociology majors.

8 SOCI 341 Social Interaction

Social Interaction

Social and socio-psychological dimensions of group behavior and the socialization of the individual. Social interaction and its impact on the individual and personality formation.

Spring 8 SOCI 302 Social Research Methods

Social Research Methods

Qualitative and quantitative perspectives on social research. Purpose and components of qualitative and quantitative research design, including the role of theory in research, sampling, reflexivity, the practice of mixed methods of data collection, analysis and writing results.

8 SOCI 354 Gender, Sex and Society

Gender, Sex and Society

Critical examination of gender as a social and institutional construct, including analyses of identity, sexuality, media, family, work, economy, the state and global relations.

Summer 5 SOCI 371 Sociology of City Life

Sociology of City Life

Development, patterns, structures and consequences of social inequality, with emphasis on social class, race, ethnicity, gender and sexuality in the U.S. Dynamics of resistance and social change.

5 AFAM/ASAM/CHIC 101 Introduction to Ethnic Studies

Introduction to Ethnic Studies

Perspectives through which people of color have come to see themselves in terms of their own heroes, cultures and contributions to the societies in which they live and the world in general.

Year 2 Fall 8 SOCI 303 Statistics for the Social Sciences

Statistics for the Social Sciences

Techniques for the elementary statistical analysis of social data. Description and inferential measures include tests, chi-square, analysis of variance, contingency table analysis and linear regression.

8 SOCI 325 The American Drug Scene

The American Drug Scene

Uses sociological research and theory to understand drug use in the U.S. Drug subcultures, moral panics, the social consequences of drug policies, crime and trends in drug use.

Spring 8 SOCI 410 Theories of Social Behavior

Theories of Social Behavior

Main schools of sociological thought, both European and American. Systems of theory, methodology of theorists, cultural change and social institutions.

8 SOCI 357 Race and Ethnic Relations

Race and Ethnic Relations

Development and current conditions of minority/majority relations through study of social, political and economic causes and consequences of prejudice and discrimination. Evolutionary and revolutionary movements for change.

Summer 5 AFAM 356 African-American Music Appreciation

African-American Music Appreciation

Black music in America; the sociological conditions that help produce various forms of black music.

5 SOCI 356 Social Inequality

Social Inequality

Development, patterns, structures and consequences of social inequality, with emphasis on social class, race, ethnicity, gender and sexuality in the U.S. Dynamics of resistance and social change.

Year 3 Fall 8 SOCI 366 Deviant Behavior

Deviant Behavior

Social construction, nature and patterns of deviance. Topics include theories of deviance, research on deviance, types of deviance, constructing deviance, deviant identity, relations among deviants, deviant acts, and deviant careers.

8 SOCI 351 Sociology of the Family

Sociology of the Family

The family as a social institution. Historical and cross-cultural perspectives; social change affecting marriage and the family; analysis of American courtship and marriage patterns; the psycho-dynamics of family life.

Spring 8 SOCI 443 Sociology of Aging

Sociology of Aging

Population age structure; theories of aging; aging in family, economic, political, religious, educational, leisure/esthetic institutions, aging and ethnicity, social policy and the future of aging.

8 SOCI 411 Criminology


Extent, causes and control of criminal behavior. Criminal law, causal factors and theories, correctional institutions, probation and parole and preventive efforts.

Summer 5 SOCI 360 Death and Dying

Death and Dying

Dying as a social process; functions of bereavement behavior; the grief process; fear of death and dying; death related rituals, demographic aspects of mortality; American death acceptance-denial controversy.