Open University is a program that allows students not currently admitted to CSUF to take courses from the regular University schedule of degree classes.
You may request to enroll in courses at the undergraduate level (100-400 level) where you have read course descriptions and can acknowledge you meet the stated prerequisites or the equivalent of those courses. Some academic departments may ask to see an unofficial transcript at the approval level.
Graduate level courses (500 level) require additional consultation and approvals before you may start the Request for Approval permission process. Please consult directly with the graduate advisor/program before requesting to add this type of course.
Although students may request to add closed or waitlisted classes, enrollment via Open University is on a space-available basis.

Ready to get started?
Please review Instructions to Enroll as well as the semester/term specific dates and details. The first step is to Update or Create your Student Record. If you receive an error message, try clearing the “cookies/cache” in your browser.
To enroll into any class, you must acknowledge you meet stated prerequisites. When
choosing your classes on Titan Online, click on the section number and the prerequisites will show up at the bottom of
the table. To view these prerequisites and class descriptions, go to the University Course Catalog
Enrollment Periods
Please see the semester/term specific dates and details for dates on when you can update/create your student record, and initiate a request to enroll. Each student enrolling through Open University is encouraged to consult with an academic advisor in advance of the enrollment process, if needed.