Open University

California State University, Fullerton

fees and resources open university

Summer Session Dates & Details

All students new and returning need an enrollment appointment window (registration date) to enroll for each semester and term. Review STEP 1 of the OU General Instructions to either create a new record or update an existing record to (re)gain access to the CSUF Student Portal, and activate your program and term to enroll via Open University.

Returning Student? Check out the Returning Student drop down below.

During the early enrollment periods noted below by session type: You may enroll into open course sections ONLY with no other permissions required, unless you must demonstrate documentation of prerequistes completed outside of CSUF.

To request a permit, use and complete this Request for Permit Form and message the Academic Department using the designated email listed at Dept Email Address List.  Academic departments may also consult with instructors regarding this permission. To document completed prerequisites, include an unofficial transcript or other appropriate explanation of how prerequisites have been met. Remember to include both your completed Request for Permit Form and supporting documentation when contacting the Academic Department. 

You will need to request a permit to enroll from the academic department of the course to demonstrate prerequisites completed outside of CSUF OR for closed/waitlisted classes OR late enrollment.  The permit must be in place to proceed with enrollment in the Manage Classes tile.

  • Course Prerequisite Documentation: If the course you would like to enroll has a prerequisite that you completed outside of CSUF, you will first need to request a permit from the academic department and include prerequisite documentation (such as an unofficial transcript) or other appropriate information regarding how the prerequisite has been met, even if the course is open.
  • Closed/Waitlisted Sections:  Starting on May 23, you can request a permit from the Academic Department to enroll in sections that are closed or waitlisted. Please note that waitlists are only available for admitted students and will expire on May 23. Academic departments will begin reviewing requests for waitlisted courses from May 23 onwards.
  • Late Enrollment Periods:  During the late enrollment periods noted below by specific session, you must request a permit from the Academic Department to enroll.

All fees are due in full at the time of enrollment. When you register into any course, you are prompted to acknowledge the fee payment policy. Failure to pay fees in full at the time of registration will cause you to be disenrolled from courses without notification.  If disenrollment occurs after the course has started, 35% of fees are still owed.

Please consult EIP Student Services for any questions on payment of fees, including pending loans, or third party payments. In the Financial Account tile, located in the Student Homepage, select the Account Services tab, then Account Activity to generate the amount due. Next, select "Make a Payment" and proceed. For a review of the fee structure and administrative logistics, check out Fees & Resources.

Please review Instructions to Enroll as well as the summer session specific dates and details below.  The first step is to Assign an OU Enrollment Appointment. If you receive an error message, try clearing the “cookies/cache” in your browser.

Updating your record may be three parts:

Part 1: If you no longer have access to log into the CSUF Student Portal, complete the Returning Student Confirmation and follow the prompts to request access as a returning student. Within 24-48 hours you will be able to log into the Student Portal with your prior username and password. If you do not recall your previous username and password, use the "Need help logging in?" link to reset.  If you cannot reset your username and password in the Portal, and are unable to login, then contact CSUF Student IT Helpdesk for assistance.

If you already have access to log into the CSUF Student Portal, then proceed to Part 3 below. 

Part 2: Once you have logged into the CSUF Student Portal, update your profile.

Part 3: Review the Manage Classes steps in the Returning Student OU Enrollment Appointment Guide to activate your program and term for the upcoming summer term in the Open University plan. This is what prompts an enrollment appointment (registration date) in the Manage Classes tile.  Starting February 23, the appointment will appear 24-48 hours after this step is completed.

  • Students recently experiencing academic disqualification this past Spring semester cannot self update their program and term to enroll via Open University. Please contact EIP Student Services at or at 657.278.2611 during business hours for assistance with this action.

Important Notes:

  • Students who have experienced undergraduate academic disqualification from CSUF may enroll in a maximum of 6 units total over all sessions in summer.  Enrollment into additional units over that limit could result in administrative enrollment cancellation.  Please discuss this with one of the Open University Advisors.
  • Graduation candidates (undergraduate) for the recent prior Spring may not term activate for Summer Open University without guidance from the Graduation Unit in the Office of the Registrar. Please contact CSUF Graduation Unit first to determine if enrollment via Open University in summer is an appropriate action. 
  • Graduation candidates (graduate level) for the recent prior Spring may not term activate for Summer Open University without guidance from the Graduate Studies Office. Please contact Graduate Studies first to determine if enrollment via Open University in summer is an appropriate action.


April 1, 2025: Enrollment for all summer sessions opens at 8 a.m. If you have a summer 2025 OU enrollment appointment (registration date), then enroll in the Manage Classes tile in your Student Homepage.

All fees are due in full payment at the time of enrollment.  If you drop or are disenrolled for non-payment after the course start date and during the Drop Periods by Session, referenced below, 35% of fees are still owed. 

Holidays: The campus will be closed and there will be no in-person classes on the following holidays:

  • Monday, May 26, 2025: Memorial Day
  • Thursday, June 19, 2025: Juneteenth Day
  • Friday, July 4, 2025: Independence Day

2025 Summer Sessions 






Session Dates

May 27 - June 27
(5 weeks)

June 30 - August 1
(5 weeks)

June 23 - August 1
(6 weeks)

May 27 - July 18
(8 weeks)

May 27 - August 1
(10 weeks)

Early Enrollment period ends:
  • Last date to enroll into open course sections without department permit.
  • Last day to drop with no record of enrollment and receive a full refund, less $10 per course. Drop in your Manage Classes tile in your Student Homepage.
  • Process to add Closed/Waitlisted Course Sections: May 23 to June 29  Request a permit, to add course sections displaying as closed or waitlisted; Dept Email Address List.

 May 26

June 29

June 22

May 26

May 26

Late Enrollment Periods by Session: 
  • First, request a permit to enroll; includes a $25 late fee.
  • Swap a class within the same session requires a permit for the new course to add. When you have a permit for the new course, swap in the Manage Classes tile.
Drop Periods by Session:
  • Drop a class without a grade of “W” to receive a 65% refund, in your Manage Classes tile. If you drop or are administratively disenrolled due to non-payment 35% of total fees are still owed. There are No refunds after this date.
  • Last day for grade option changes, if course grading option allowed. Change a grade option.

May 27 - May 30

June 30 - July 3

June 23 - June 27

May 27 - June 3

May 27 - June 5

Final Enrollment  Dates by Session:

Last day of the late enrollment  period. No refunds for classes will be issued after this date.

May 30

July 3

June 27

June 3

June 5

Late Withdrawal Periods by Session:
Last day to drop a class with a grade of “W” for serious or compelling reasons only.

An approved Request for Withdrawal Opens in new window process is required. No refunds. Process is online.

June 20

July 25

July 25

July 8

July 18

Grades due:

You can view grades on your unofficial transcript in the Academic Records tile.

July 7

August 8

August 8

July 25

August 8

student loans

Open University 101

  • Students experiencing academic disqualification (ADQ) from CSUF may enroll in a maximum of six (6) units during Fall, Spring and Summer terms.  Enrollment over these limits are subject to administrative enrollment cancellation of excess units.  Please adhere to the enrollment limits stated here. For more information review the How many units can I take? FAQ.
  • Enrollment is on a space-available basis.
  • A maximum of 24 credits earned through Open University may count toward the cumulative units required for a bachelor’s degree at CSUF.
  • Courses completed through Open University enrollment do not meet the residence requirements for a bachelor’s degree at CSUF (30 units for the degree; 24 units in upper division courses). For graduate degrees, normally 6 to 9 units of approved credits taken through Open University may apply, but for degrees which require more than 30 units, more units of credit may apply. Please consult the department graduate advisor of your program.
  • All stated prerequisites for a course must be met. To view course descriptions and prerequisite information, visit Cal State Fullerton’s University CatalogOpens in new window.
  • For other important dates, including scheduled campus closures, visit the CSUF Academic CalendarOpens in new window.


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