A message from the Executive Director:
At CSUF Extension, we believe in tailoring learning opportunities to fit seamlessly into the busy and complex lives of our students. By recognizing and accommodating the unique circumstances and preferences of each learner, CSUF Extension ensures that education is flexible and accessible for all.
We support working professionals, those who have stepped away from completing their educational goals, full- and part-time students, or those who simply want to thrive as a lifelong learner. We take great pride in offering multiple on-ramps to achieve your dreams of a Cal State Fullerton education. Our programs and courses are designed with the needs of the students at the forefront. They help to fill skill gaps, meet labor market demands, fulfill educational goals, offer transferable skills to a new career, or create a path to promotion. I invite you to learn more about the many students, alumni, instructors, faculty, team members, and partners that come together as the CSUF Extension community by reading our 2023/2024 impact report.
As an organization, the past year started out much differently than it ended, but with a dedicated team of caring professionals, CSUF Extension will continue to adapt and grow. CSUF Extension now has an Executive Director and reports directly to the Deputy Provost for Academic Affairs. We reimagined some of our positions and also relocated our office to a more central campus location in the College Park building which allows for greater integration with academic and administrative partners. I often talk about our staff as our greatest asset, and I want to take time to recognize some of them and their outstanding achievements.
Join me in welcoming our new staff members who brought their amazing talents and diverse backgrounds to Cal State Fullerton Extension.
Gabriella Carrion, Customer Service Coordinator
Jennifer Custodio, Program Developer / Team Lead
Sam Kim, Customer Service Coordinator
expand_circle_downSam passionately shared, “I'm excited to be here at Cal State Fullerton and to become fully immersed in the Titan Way! Since my onboarding, I've felt welcomed and feel this is a wonderful culture that celebrates diversity of all types. I can't wait to capitalize on all the opportunities ahead and help students achieve their goals of graduating from CSUF!”
Leticia Lara, Program Coordinator
The importance of campus relationships, external partnerships, knowledge beyond the job, and leading the Titan Way are truly emphasized when we recognize our many CSUF Extension team members in five-year increments. Our staff's dedication and loyalty to their team members, including newcomers, is to be commended. Together, let’s celebrate these work milestones.
30 years
Karen McKinley
15 years
Danielle Flores
Suzanne Batista
Michelle Hernandez
10 years
Jennifer Ip
Nitin Agnihotri
5 years
Desiree Lopez
Encouraging professional development and lifelong learning is the heart of Extension. Each year, I enjoy celebrating those who have the drive to expand their bank of knowledge. This year, multiple team members completed certificate programs.
Kathleen Disché, CSUF Inclusion Champion Certificate Program
Kathleen said, “I am thankful for the opportunity to complete the CSUF Inclusion Champion Certificate Program. It has helped me understand my role in fostering an inclusive campus culture, and taught me what it means to be an ally. Allyship involves actively listening in order to better understand inequities, speaking up, and consistently pushing for change to support those with traditionally marginalized identities. The certificate helped me take a step back and contemplate others’ experiences. Each person carries a story and a perspective from which I can learn. I’ve been able to identify ways in which I can use my own privilege to support and advocate for others, and to be actively against all forms of discrimination and inequity.”
Raymundo Venegas, CSU Certificate Program in Student Success Analytics
Reflecting on the experience, Raymundo said, “I was excited to participate in the innovative and interactive Certificate Program in Student Success Analytics. Working with enrollment data, I aimed to turn insights into action by creating user-friendly dashboards, celebrating success stories, and driving measurable student achievement. This program, situated at the intersection of equity and evidence, offered a data-based, equity-focused, and action-oriented curriculum that provided our cross-divisional team with the tools to enhance student success on our campus. Inspired by this experience, I've encouraged my colleagues to enroll in the program as well.”
Mandy Loo, First-Aid Certification
Corey Decker, Mental Health First Aid Certification
Receiving compliments from staff members across the university and students in Extension programs about Extension staff members is a heartwarming experience as a leader. I wanted to foster an environment where positive feedback about service, interactions, or accomplishments are shared with and accessible to the staff, so we created a Teams channel aptly named Compliments and Kudos as well as a physical memo board in an internal common area. In addition, the CSUF Human Resources, Diversity and Inclusion (HRDI) Staff Development Center Staff Recognition Program allows staff to nominate one another for recognition and two of our team members were recognized through this program:
Mandy Loo, staff-nominated recognition
Mandy happily shared, “I was surprised to be recognized by my colleague, Carolina. I take great pride in my 20+ years of service at CSUF and enjoy working with all my teammates. I'm glad to see that she was also recognized for all her efforts and support of our marketing and communications goals and tasks.”
Carolina Rosells, staff-nominated recognition
Employing student assistants and offering them an environment to gain valuable on-the-job work experience and knowledge regarding workplace culture, such as efficient teamwork, effective communication, time management, and workload coordination, is key in providing engaging and innovative learning experiences to future leaders. Extension is proud of its student assistants.
Shreyas Gaikwad, IT Graduate Student Assistant, M.S. Information Systems/Business Analytics
Samarth Halyal, IT Graduate Student Assistant, M.S. Computer Science
expand_circle_downSince graduating in May 2024, Samarth is now a full-time Embedded Software Engineer III at Automotive Robotics, Inc.
Diego Pedroza, IT Student Assistant, Sophomore, Mechanical Engineering
expand_circle_downDiego excitedly said, “I enjoy working as an IT student assistant. I am gaining valuable work experience that will help me in my future career as a mechanical engineer. What I enjoy is engaging with the talented staff, creating solutions for technology challenges, and the mentorship I am receiving from the leadership team.”
Extension leadership nominated Debbie Vengco to serve on the CSUF Strategic Planning Development Committee this past year from Summer 2023 to Winter 2024. Her participation represented students such as working professionals, those returning to complete their degree, and individuals seeking a career change, advancement, or skill development. Involvement in the committee likely helped shape goals and strategies to better support these students, ensuring they have ample opportunities to succeed. It’s a positive step towards ensuring higher education remains accessible and adaptable to the needs of all learners.
Fullerton ForwardCal State Fullerton’s collective strategic plan for 2024-2029, crafted by the extensive Titan family provides a visionary and aspirational guide for our university's journey. It seeks to enable all members of our community — students, faculty, staff, alumni, and partners — to engage in innovative and diverse practices, approaches, and learning styles that embrace and uplift the myriad identities and life stories within the Titan family. The university’s divisions and colleges are committed to practicing ongoing collaboration and partnership, allocating necessary resources and support, and fostering a culture of innovation and transformation to achieve the objectives laid out in this plan. We are united and committed to propelling Fullerton Forward.
Retrospectively, Debbie shared, “I appreciated the opportunity to be the Extension champion in the development of the Fullerton Forward Strategic Plan that created a roadmap for our university from 2024 to 2029. The inclusive dialog surrounding the inclusion of non-traditional students in Goal One - Enhancing Support for Student Access, Learning, and Academic Success - offered validation to the valuable degree, certificate, and microcredential work we do every day.”

Thank you to all Extension staff, campus partners, and external partners who selflessly show up each day knowing that the synergy we create propels us to do great things for the students we serve.
Professional Development
Whether completing a short-term certificate program, preparing to change careers, upskilling for a promotion, creating a custom training program for your staff and/or future leaders, or learning to become a more talented educator, our various professional development programs have helped people achieve their personal and professional goals in shorter time spans than traditional degree programs.
Certificate Programs
Certificate Programs offer valuable opportunities for individuals to enhance their careers and skills, typically in shorter time frames than degree programs. Students are attracted to the programs because they offer flexible schedules, small class sizes, and expert instructors. Engaging with peers from various professions, enriching their growth mindset, and honing their skill sets are reasons why people enroll. As we continue to develop and expand programs, Extension is making a positive impact on broader audiences, including underserved communities within and beyond Orange County, California.
This program was revised beginning Fall 2023 with a new course, “Open Source Intelligence Gathering & Analysis” added to the program.
The main contributor and instructor for this course is Christine Talley, Intelligence Analyst, PenLink. She shared, “Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) is essential for crime analysts as it offers critical insights derived from publicly accessible data, significantly enriching investigations and revealing patterns that might not be evident from traditional law enforcement sources. OSINT allows for the timely gathering of information, enabling analysts to respond quickly to emerging threats and trends.” She added, “Students will learn open source investigation methodologies and best practices for operational security, exploring diverse platforms such as search engines and social media. On the final day of the course, students put their skills to the test in an exciting Capture the Flag project, where they showcase their expertise in action.”
The lead instructor of the certificate program and contributor to the new course development, Brian Gray, is the Director of Training, Law Enforcement Intelligence Units (LEIU) Association and Retired Central Crime Intelligence Analysis Unit Manager at Riverside County Sheriff's Department has over 30 years of experience. Read Instructor Gray’s interview.
As part of the Advanced Manufacturing Engineering certificate program, The Titan Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering Expo 2024 was held at Cal State Fullerton on April 16, 2024. It brought together a diverse array of 500 students, educators, industry leaders, and community partners. The event was sponsored by the Orange County Department of Education (OCDE) K-16 Education Collaboratives Grant and the California State University (CSU) HSI Equity Innovation Hub. The expo aimed to explore cutting-edge manufacturing technologies and foster equitable career pathways in the sector.
Work-Based Learning Opportunities
engineeringPathways to Manufacturing Careers
roadShowcase of Innovation
online_predictionPromotion of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
expand_circle_downA key focus of the expo was promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion within the manufacturing industry, particularly in the biomanufacturing sector. Dr. Sagil James, the primary faculty coordinator and associate professor in the mechanical engineering department at CSUF, emphasized this focus, "Fostering equitable pathways in biomanufacturing and biotechnology not only expands opportunities for underrepresented students but also nurtures a diverse workforce poised to drive innovation and growth across these vital fields."
The event witnessed a remarkable convergence of industry leaders, educational institutions, and aspiring students, underscoring the collaborative spirit driving the future of manufacturing.
Approximately 150 industry partners attended, including representatives from:
Approximately 350 students attended and ranged from high schools to community colleges and universities, including:
Attendees had the opportunity to witness cutting-edge manufacturing technologies in action at the expo, including advancements in:
smart_toyAdditive manufacturing
manufacturingIoT-enabled machinery
precision_manufacturingTitan Manufacturing Day was held October 6, 2023 in the Titan Student Union on the CSUF campus. Over 450 students actively participated in the Project Pathways for Careers in Manufacturing event. They represented diverse backgrounds from high schools, colleges, and universities.
- Outcomes/Experiences for Students
- Industry Insight and Knowledge
- Internship and Job Opportunities
- Interview Preparation
- Mentorship Opportunities
- Networking Connections
- Personal and Professional Growth
- Professional Development Resources
- Resume Building and Refinement
Titan Manufacturing Day 2023 not only attracted a significant number of students but also provided them with a myriad of opportunities for networking, gaining industry insights, refining professional skills, and exploring career paths. The outcomes and experiences reflect the success of the event in contributing to the personal and professional growth of the participating students.
We continue to be a strong workforce partner.
Total enrollment
Total instruction hours
Total number of students
Total number of digital badges awarded
Total number of courses
Total number of subject-matter expert instructors
Community and Corporate Engagement
Collaborating with corporate partners and regional municipalities allows Extension to effectively address workforce and talent development needs. Custom training programs, led by respected and practicing industry experts, are a valuable resource for employers and their emerging leaders and employees. It is especially rewarding when students apply what they have learned immediately and build industry-specific and regional networks.
Leadership Development for Public Agencies is one of Extension's signature contract training certificate programs. The program is designed to facilitate "learning transfer," allowing students to apply the skills and knowledge gained from the classes and apply them to their work and life. Since its launch in 2007, we have established collaborative partnerships with 34 regional public agencies. Nearly 700 students graduated over the years.
We held recognition ceremonies in December 2023 and June 2024 to recognize 68 talented graduates and value the agencies who participated in our programs this year.
We look forward to furthering collaborations and partnerships and providing learning opportunities to empower emerging leaders in regional public sectors.
Custom Training
Are you part of an international or U.S.-based organization looking for training specifically designed to meet the needs of your team or organization? We will assess your needs and create a custom program with learning outcomes that align with your organization's goals and objectives.
We have access to experienced experts throughout our campus and professionals practicing in the workforce. Our programs can be delivered on the CSUF campus, onsite at your location, or completely online.
Extension hosted a group of 11 high-achieving Brazilian high school students from July 1-19, 2024. This summer program provided an educational opportunity for students to learn about entrepreneurship, innovation, and leadership from experienced subject matter experts. Additionally, students formed their own companies and presented their business plans as part of the class project. The program concluded with a certificate awarding ceremony to recognize students, instructors, and our business partner, For All English School of Brazil.
During their Southern California visit, students gained insights into how successful regional companies operate, leveraging technology, systems, and resources. The program aimed to inspire students’ ambitions and shape their future careers. Students visited these notable organizations:
Educator Courses and Programs
CSUF College of Education’s Extension programs ensure educators can meet their professional needs effectively. Whether it’s completing credentials, meeting prerequisites, enhancing skills, or providing educational opportunities for teachers to increase their pay, Cal State Fullerton is committed to supporting educators throughout their careers through our Educator Courses and Programs.
Programs include:
Dr. Loretta Donovan, Professor of Elementary and Bilingual Education accepted the role of TIP Faculty Coordinator in January 2024. She shared, “The great thing about being in the Teacher Induction Program at CSUF is that all of the professors have also been K-12 educators. We understand that teachers are busy. Each course is designed to support your development as a busy teacher. Coursework will have you reflecting on your teaching and trying new things in your classroom. Each module has the same structure: engaging with content that you can apply to your teaching, trying new things, meeting with your mentor, and sharing with fellow induction candidates. Deadlines are reasonable, and you know from day one what to expect so you can plan ahead.”
Total enrollment completed
Total number of students educated
Total number of faculty teaching from the College of Education
University Semester Abroad
CSUF Extension University Semester Abroad (USA) program welcomes international students to study at Cal State Fullerton for one to two semesters.
USA students will learn from talented CSUF faculty, engage with fellow Titans in lectures, discussions, assignments, projects, labs, fieldwork, and/or exams. Students are prepared to complete a degree, seek career employment, conduct research, and/or further their education via graduate work. They will leave CSUF with strong development of practical, applicable, and interpersonal skills.
Beyond academics, students may explore Orange County, California and beyond, attend various CSUF campus events, immerse themselves in American culture and learn from a multitude of cultures represented on campus, and thrive in a global environment.
We hosted 177 students in the USA program to study at CSUF for one or two semesters. They were from:
Campus activities experienced:
- Bowling and billiards social
- End of semester celebration
- Multiple campus-wide events
Liane Rudolf, a student at Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University in Germany, spent the spring 2024 semester at CSUF as part of the University Semester Abroad program. Learn about Liane’s story.
University Courses
Open University
Open University (OU) is an enrollment option for students not currently admitted to CSUF. It offers access to academic credit courses at Cal State Fullerton and is an opportunity for non-admitted students to enroll as a guest in regular university courses if space is available.
New initiatives that impacted enrollment this past fiscal year included continued efforts to reduce barriers for enrollment and increase operational efficiency for OU self-service all while improving technology for the OU self-service online enrollment.
Total enrollments
Total number of students
1,629 (5% increase)
Total number of OU advising appointments booked by students
Total number of advising webinars held
Total number of advising webinar attendees
It has been a busy year with the retirement of dedicated Open University Advisor/Administrator Margaret Luzzi, as well as new initiatives and updates to academic disqualification (ADQ) practices. Margaret continued to spearhead and collaborate with campus academic and administrative departments to improve the OU enrollment process and student experience until her retirement. Suzanne Batista provided pre-enrollment and orientation presentations for the University Semester Abroad (USA) students. Along with Suzanne, Michelle Hernandez met with California State University (CSU) counterparts to share the process and goal of Bring Back Titans, a program dedicated to CSUF students returning to complete a degree.
Summer Session
CSUF Summer Session is open to currently admitted students as well as guest students including transfer students admitted to CSUF for fall, non-admitted students, and members of the public. For those who want to take required courses, get closer to graduation, complete their last class(es) to graduate, remain engaged with faculty and other students, or increase their GPA, Summer Session is a viable opportunity. Classes are offered online or on-campus and in 5-, 6-, 8-, or 10-week sessions.

CSUF Summer Session 2023
Total number of class offerings
Colleges offering the most classes
Total number of lower division General Education course offerings
Total number of upper division General Education course offerings
Total number of students
- 87% were Seniors and Juniors
- 69% were Hispanic/Latino and Asian
Average number of units taken
There are many faculty-led study abroad programs with course enrollment components in the summer. Studying abroad offers several benefits. In addition to personal growth, students enhance language skills, gain global perspectives, appreciate diverse cultures, and develop workplace adaptability.
This past summer, 272 students participated in 14 sessions of Study Abroad. Countries visited include:

Winter Session
CSUF Winter Session is open to CSUF students and the public. It is a great opportunity to take a required course and get closer to graduation between the fall and spring semesters. Most classes are offered online.
CSUF Winter Session 2024
Total number of class offerings
Total number of classes offered online
Total number of General Education offerings
Total number of enrollments
2,518 (6% increase over last year)
- 84% were Seniors and Juniors
- 70% were Hispanic/Latino and Asian
Average number of units completed
Faculty-led study abroad programs with course enrollment components are offered during CSUF Winter Session. Beyond personal growth and development, students studying abroad improve valuable language skills, broaden worldviews, foster cultural appreciation and inclusivity, and increase their ability to navigate diverse workplace environments.
This past Winter Session, 55 students participated in Study Abroad.
30 Business Honors students studied
ECON 335-The International Economy in Brazil and Argentina with Dr. Lorenzo Bizzi, Professor.
25 students earned
Child and Adolescent Studies International Internship credit in Heredia, Costa Rica with Dr. Diana Robles, Assistant Professor.
Our Future
The theme of thankfulness continues. We want to recognize the contributions made by the entire resilient Extension team through many changes we endured this past year. The unwavering support and dedication to our organization and one another, Academic Affairs, CSUF leadership, campus partners, workforce partners and each other energizes us each day.
We want to highlight the decades-long contributions made by two of our long-standing staff members who recently retired and guided and mentored the future of our team. Thank you from the entire staff.
Margaret Luzzi
35 years of service in programs, operations, and advising
Gail Wright
29 years of service in programs and operations
(From left to right: Margaret Luzzi, Suzanne Batista, Gail Wright, Michelle Hernandez, Karen McKinley)
We are encouraged and looking forward to contributing to the new 5-year Fullerton Forward campus strategic plan. We look forward to collaboratively stewarding student achievement via coursework, certificate, and degree completion, and new program development.
To further our on- and off-campus partnerships with regional, workforce, municipal, corporate, and international partners, we plan to refresh our name in the next academic year. We are enthusiastic about what’s to come and the many students we will serve. Contact us to collaborate. It is our pleasure to serve you.